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ADDON. Version 2.0.0. Released on 29-Nov-2022. Provides 7 components. Created by Thornton Tomasetti (CORE studio). Features 0 video tutorials.
Colibri 2 helps iterate through all possible combinations of a series of inputs and compiles the resulting data into a CSV of input and output values per iteration.


Colibri Aggregator (CA)
Aggregates design data, images & Spectacles models into a data.csv file (and corresponding data set that data.csv links to) that can be uploaded to Thread.
Colibri Outputs (Colibri Out)
Collects design parameters (us engineer types would call these 'performance metrics') to chart in Design Explorer
Colibri Image Setting (Set Img)
Set the parameters for view captures from each iteration.
You can specify which viewport[s] to capture, and the resolution of the image.
Colibri Inputs (Iterator) (Colibri In)
Iterates through all possible combinations of input sliders, panels, or valueLists.
Colibri Iteration Subdomain (Sub Domain)
Sets an iteration sub selection for the Colibri Inputs Iterator
Colibri Geometry Preview (Material Prev)
Lets you preview geometry like the standard Custom Preview component but with a geometry output that is updated when the preview is completed.
Colibri Lineweights Preview (Line Prev)
Lets you preview curves with Lineweights but with a geometry output that is updated when the preview is completed.

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Colibri and associated data © 2024 Thornton Tomasetti (CORE studio).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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