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Collects design parameters (us engineer types would call these 'performance metrics') to chart in Design Explorer. These will be the vertical axes to the far right on the parallel coordinates plot, next to the design inputs. These values should describe the characteristics of a single design iteration.
You can also combine this output as a static gene in Inputs.


DataD[1]Design results (performance metrics) to chart in Design Explorer. One or a list of values is acceptable, but each grip is limited with 10 values max. Null or Empty value will be marked as "NoData"Text


OutputsOPColibri's Outputs. Plug this into the Colibri Aggregator downstream. Most users should connect 'Outputs' to the 'Outputs' input on the Aggregator. However, you can use 'Outputs' as an input for the Colibri Aggregator's Inputs param, too, which is useful when working with Galapagos or Octopus.Generic Data

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Colibri and associated data © 2024 Thornton Tomasetti (CORE studio).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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