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ADDON. Version 2.0.5. Released on 2019-May-23. Provides 9 components. Created by ytsebastian. Features 0 video tutorials.
Droid is a 3D printing add-on, with control over model Slicing, Custom paths and Gcode generation. Designed to be used from small desktop 3d Printers, up to large scale Robotic Fabricators using FFF technologies and running from Gcode. Available to be used to prepare and print models in a 'Plug and Play' style with Droid components, or in a more controlled and experimental manner with Custom input and output print paths. Droid allows control over conventional Slicing features such as infill, shell thickness and caps, within the Rhino and Grasshopper environment. In addition, output and editing of paths is also available once models are sliced into the Rhino and Grasshopper workspace, allowing full control and analysis to the user. Custom or edited paths then can be input back into Droid for Gcode preparation and generation. This should work with most major firmwares (Marlin, Repetier, RepRap, etc) and Gcode Reader. If you use a firmware and encounter any problems related to Gcode, let me know. Droid Components are Multi-Thread enabled, and may use all your processors resources during calculations.


Droid Volume (Cartesian) (DVolC)
Defines the Volume of the printable area of machine
Droid Volume (Delta) (DVolD)
Defines the Volume of the printable area of machine
Droid Parameters (DPmters)
Custom Parameter creation for Droid
Droid Paths (DPath)
Set custom user defined curves (Polylines) for 3d Printing. Input order is important (Unless Sort Z is true)
Droid Slicer (Dslice)
Slicer of Droid Mesh in preparation for 3D Printing


Droid Gcode Footer (DGFoot)
Gcode Footer creation
Droid Gcode Creator (GCode)
Creates Gcode infomation from Droid components
Droid Gcode Header (DGHead)
Gcode Header creation
Droid Save Gcode (SaveG)
Save Gcode File

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Droid and associated data © 2024 ytsebastian.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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