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Grasshopper Sets

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version 1.0.0007. Released on 2022-Mar-08. Provides 89 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Path Compare (Compare)
Compare a path to a mask pattern
Split Tree (Split)
Split a data tree into two parts using path masks.
Stream Filter (Filter)
Filters a collection of input streams
Stream Gate (Gate)
Redirects a stream into specific outputs.
Clean Tree (Clean)
Removed all null and invalid items from a data tree.
Prune Tree (Prune)
Remove small branches from a Data Tree.
Graft Tree (Graft)
Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item.
Simplify Tree (Simplify)
Simplify a data tree by removing the overlap shared amongst all branches.
Flatten Tree (Flatten)
Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information.
Unflatten Tree (Unflatten)
Unflatten a data tree by moving items back into branches.
Trim Tree (Trim)
Reduce the complexity of a tree by merging the outermost branches.
Match Tree (Match)
Match one data tree with another.
Replace Paths (Replace)
Find & replace paths in a data tree
Explode Tree (BANG!)
Extract all the branches from a tree
Flip Matrix (Flip)
Flip a matrix-like data tree by swapping rows and columns.
Shift Paths (PShift)
Shift the indices in all data tree paths
Path Mapper
Perform lexical operations on data trees.
Tree Item (Item)
Retrieve a specific item from a data tree.
Tree Branch (Branch)
Retrieve a specific branch from a data tree.
Tree Statistics (TStat)
Get some statistics regarding a data tree.
Relative Item (RelItem)
Retrieve a relative item combo from a data tree
Relative Items (RelItem2)
Retrieve a relative item combo from two data trees
Construct Path (Path)
Construct a data tree branch path.
Deconstruct Path (DPath)
Deconstruct a data tree path into individual integers.
Merge a bunch of data streams
Flatten and combine a collection of data streams


List Item (Item)
Retrieve a specific item from a list.
Item Index (Index)
Retrieve the index of a certain item in a list.
Null Item (Null)
Test a data item for null or invalidity
Replace Nulls (NullRep)
Replace nulls or invalid data with other data
List Length (Lng)
Measure the length of a list.
Insert Items (Ins)
Insert a collection of items into a list.
Replace Items (Replace)
Replace certain items in a list.
Partition List (Partition)
Partition a list into sub-lists
Dispatch the items in a list into two target lists.
Weave a set of input data using a custom pattern.
Pick'n'Choose (P'n'C)
Pick and choose from a set of input data.
Shortest List (Short)
Shrink a collection of lists to the shortest length amongst them
Longest List (Long)
Grow a collection of lists to the longest length amongst them
Cross Reference (CrossRef)
Cross Reference data from multiple lists
Sift Pattern (Sift)
Sift elements in a list using a repeating index pattern.
Combine Data (Combine)
Combine non-null items out of several inputs
Shift List (Shift)
Offset all items in a list.
Sub List (SubSet)
Extract a subset from a list.
Split List (Split)
Split a list into separate parts.
Reverse List (Rev)
Reverse the order of a list.
Sort List (Sort)
Sort a list of numeric keys.


Text On Surface (TextSrf)
Create a collection of textual symbols aligned on a surface.
Text Length (Len)
Get the length (character count) of some text
Text Split (Split)
Split some text into fragments using separators
Concatenate (Concat)
Concatenate some fragments of text
Text Join (Join)
Join a collection of text fragments into one
Characters (Chars)
Break text into individual characters
Text Trim (Trim)
Remove whitespace characters from the start and end of some text.
Text Case (Case)
Change the CaSiNg of a piece of text
Text Fragment (Fragment)
Extract a fragment (subset) of some text
Format some data using placeholders and formatting tags
Replace Text (Rep)
Replace all occurences of a specific text fragment with another
Sort Text (TSort)
Sort a collection of text fragments
Match Text (TMatch)
Match a text against a pattern
Text Distance (TDist)
Compute the Levenshtein distance between two fragments of text.


Create a range of numbers.
Create a series of numbers.
Fibonacci (Fib)
Creates a Fibonacci sequence.
Sequence (Seq)
Generate a sequence of numbers
Char Sequence (CharSeq)
Create a sequence of textual characters.
Generate a list of pseudo random numbers.
Randomly shuffles a list of values.
Duplicate Data (Dup)
Duplicate data a predefined number of times.
Repeat Data (Repeat)
Repeat a pattern until it reaches a certain length.
Stack Data (Stack)
Duplicate individual items in a list of data
Cull Nth (CullN)
Cull (remove) every Nth element in a list.
Cull Pattern (Cull)
Cull (remove) elements in a list using a repeating bit mask.
Cull Index (Cull i)
Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list.
Random Reduce (Reduce)
Randomly remove N items from a list


Create Set (CSet)
Creates the valid set from a list of items (a valid set only contains distinct elements).
Set Union (SUnion)
Creates the union of two sets (the collection of unique objects present in either set).
Set Intersection (Intersection)
Creates the intersection of two sets (the collection of unique objects present in both sets).
Set Difference (Difference)
Create the difference of two sets (the collection of objects present in A but not in B).
Set Difference (S) (ExDiff)
Create the symmetric difference of two sets (the collection of objects present in A or B but not both).
Test two sets for inclusion.
Test whether two sets are disjoint.
Carthesian Product (CProd)
Create the Carthesian product for two sets of identical cardinality.
Set Majority (Majority)
Determine majority member presence amongst three sets.
Replace Members (Replace)
Replace members in a set.
Member Index (MIndex)
Find the occurences of a specific member in a set.
Delete Consecutive (DCon)
Delete consecutive similar members in a set.
Find similar member (FSim)
Find the most similar member in a set.
Key/Value Search (KeySearch)
Extract an item from a collection using a key-value match

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