Channel Region (CRegion) Determine the submerged region of a channel given a quantity of water | |
Channel Info (CInfo) Calculate characteristics of water flow in a channel from its submerged region | |
River Flood Levels (River Floods) Examine flooding levels along a surface from a river source | |
Sea Flood Levels (Sea Floods) Examine flooding levels along a surface from a tidal source | |
Flow Saturation (Saturation) Identify the saturation levels across terrain given flow paths | |
Flow Catchments (Catchments) Identify the catchments within a set of flow paths | |
Flow Projection (Mesh) (Mesh Flows) Construct flow paths over a mesh | |
Flow Projection (Surface) (Srf Flows) Construct flow paths over a surface |
Generic Species (PGeneric) Output plant objects from pre-defined generic types | |
Species Importer (PImport) Create plant attributes from an imported spreadsheet | |
Plant Appearance (root mesh) (Shower (root mesh)) Simulate the appearance of a particular plant instance's root using a mesh between canopy and trunk | |
Plant Appearance (canopy mesh) (Shower (canopy mesh)) Simulate the appearance of a particular plant instance's canopy using a mesh between canopy and trunk | |
Plant Appearance (discs) (Shower (discs)) Simulate the appearance of a particular plant instance using circles |
Field Mapper (Field) Create a field representation from collections of bounded curves/lines. | |
Field Visualisation (Grid) (Field Grid) Translate a field into a grid based visualisation. Outputs a number constrained by a range which can be used to then make a color or shape. | |
Random Path (RandPath) Calculates a random path (in 2 dimensions) | |
Shortest Path (ShortPath) Calculates the shortest path in a network of curves |
Contour Gap Fix (Contour Gaps) Checks if contours have gaps, and bridges them if so | |
Contour Planarity Fix (Contour Planarity) Checks contours are planar and corrects them if not | |
Contour Clipper (Contour Clip) Checks contours meet a specific boundary, otherwise extend/trim them | |
Mesh Color by Face (Mesh Paint) Colors each mesh face with a solid color, in order. Like mesh spray, but without any blending between faces. |
Mesh Aspect (Aspect) Analyses the aspect of a Mesh, outputting separated faces for coloring and the aspect | |
Mesh Slope (Slope) Analyses the slope of a Mesh, outputting separated faces for coloring and the slope/grade | |
Surface Aspect (Aspect) Analyses the aspect of a Surface, outputting separated faces for coloring and the aspect | |
Surface Slope (Slope) Analyses the slope of a Surface, outputting separated faces for coloring and the slope/grade |
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