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ADDON. Version Released on 2012-Apr-25. Provides 24 components. Created by Daniel Hambleton and Chris Walsh. Features 0 video tutorials.
SPM Vector Components is a collection of tools for integrating and manipulating vector fields.


Alignment (Aln)
Creates a desire for integration vectors to align to neighbours
Cohesion (Coh)
Creates a desire for integration points to gather together
Gravity Dynamic (Grav)
Creates gravity sink/sources at specified points
Scales the vectors logarithmically as a post-process step
Separation (Sep)
Creates a desire for integration points to maintain a particular distance from each other
Surface Attraction (SAtt)
A post-processing dynamic which causes integration to be attracted (or repulsed) from surfaces
Surface Bounce (SBnc)
A post-processing dynamic which allows the integration to bounce off of surfaces during a collision
Surface Flow (SFlow)
A post-processing dynamic which allows integration to flow along a list of surfaces
Vector Addition (VAdd)
Adds a vector to each vector in a vector field
Vortex Dynamic (Vortex)
Creates vortices inside a vector field at specified points (at the origins of the planar inputs)


A persistent counter that increases its count each iteration
Distance Binning (DB)
Allows faster processing of dynamics that reference the entire field of particles (Cohesion, Alignment, Separation) by processing only points in a local area (Bin) at a time
Point/Vector Interpolation (Pt Interp)
Interpolate an N-dimensional point based on surrounding M-dimensional vectors
Dynamic Keyframe (DKf)
Keyframes a list of dynamics to only trigger at specified step ranges
Number Interpolation (Num Interp)
Interpolates N-dimensional points based on surrounding M-dimensional vectors
Open/Closed Curve Sorter (CrvSt)
Sorts a list of points representing curves into open and closed lists
A Tensor component represents a 3d frame or basis, such as a plane
Vector Field Creator (VFC)
Modifies or creates a new vector field


SPM Boundary Settings (BndS)
Settings to control boundaries during an integration
SPM Vector Field Integration (SPM Integration)
Statically or dynamically integrates points travelling through a vector field
SPM Integration Settings (IntegrationS)
Settings to configure a SPM vector field integration component
SPM Orbit Settings (OrS)
Settings to control the orbit parameters
SPM Particle Life Time Settings (PrtS)
Settings to control the lifetime behaviour of particles
SPM Tensor Settings (TenS)
Settings to work with tensor fields during integration

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   SPM and associated data © 2024 Daniel Hambleton and Chris Walsh.  
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