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ADDON. Version Released on 2019-Apr-19. Provides 20 components. Created by Cameron Newnham. Features 0 video tutorials.
This library's primary purpose is to add the point cloud functionality already apparent in Rhinoceros 5 to Grasshopper, with the ambition of treating point clouds as another useful data type, rather than an exotic type. It's secondary purpose is to provide tools for creation and streaming of point clouds with common scanning techniques (Kinect V1, V2 and OpenNI2). This is made possible due to the speed increases afforded by the use of the point cloud class. For example, a full point cloud from a Kinect V2 is released in approximately 10-20ms on standard machines, which is more than enough for most purposes. A multi-threaded KD-Tree is also implemented to allow very fast spatial searching.


Construct Point Cloud (Construct)
Constructs a point cloud from a list of points and colours.
Fill Mesh (FillMesh)
Fills a mesh volume with random points.
Fill Box (FillBox)
Fills a box with random points.
Random Vectors (RandVec)
Generates a set of random vectors between (-1,-1,-1) and (1,1,1) .
Deconstruct Point Cloud (Deconstruct)
Retreives information from a point cloud.
Populate Mesh (PopMesh)
Populates a mesh with random points.


Filter Point Cloud (Filter)
Filters a point cloud by removing values similar to a given colour.
Merge Point Clouds (Merge)
Merges multiple point clouds into one.
Voxellize Point Cloud (Voxellize)
Snaps a point cloud to a voxel grid, allowing for decay over time.
Reduce Point Cloud (Cloud Reduce)
Reduces the number of points in a cloud.
Point Cloud Subset (Cloud Subset)
Extracts a subset of a point cloud based on indices.
Clip Point Cloud (Clip)
Clips a point cloud with a given box.


Kinect 2 Depth Reader (Depth)
Reads data from a kinect when prompted.
OpenNI2 Depth Reader (NI2)
Reads data from an OpenNI2 device.
Kinect 2 Burst (Burst)
Captures a burst of frames at maximum rate, releasing after the allotted timeframe
Kinect 1 Depth Reader (Depth)
Reads data from a kinect when prompted.


Construct KDTree (KDConstruct)
Builds a KDTree representation of a point cloud.
Field Of Vision (FOV)
Checks whether points are within the field of vision of a point and vector.
Sample KDTree (KDSample)
Builds and/or samples a KDTree representation of a point cloud.


Preview Point Cloud (Preview)
Displays a point cloud with a specified point size.

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