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A Conduit chart object


BoundsBoundsBounding rectangle for chart objectRectangle
ValuesValuesDataTree of chart values (each branch reflects a different period)Number
CategoriesCategoriesOptional list of categories (should be equal to length of lists in each branch)Text
PeriodsPeriodsOptional list of group values for time/sequence-driven data (e.g. months, quarters; if used, should be equal to branch count)Text
TitleTitleOptional chart titleText
Category TitleCatTitleOptional title for category axisText
Value TitleValTitleOptional title for value axisText
RangeRangeOptional domain describing min/max values for value axis (leaving empty will have bounds auto-assignedDomain
Color PalettePaletteOptional color palette to use for chart (otherwise default is used)Generic Data
FontFontOptional font style to use for chart (otherwise default is used)Generic Data
Chart SettingsSettingsOptional chart settings created in setup of alternate chart componentGeneric Data


HUD Drawing ObjectsDrawObjsThe drawing objects that comprise the chartGeneric Data
Chart SettingsSettingsSettings to pass to other chart objectsGeneric Data

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Conduit and associated data © 2024 Nathan Miller.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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