Bounds | Bounds | Bounding rectangle for chart object | Rectangle |
Values | Values | DataTree of chart values (each branch reflects a different period) | Number |
Categories | Categories | Optional list of categories (should be equal to length of lists in each branch) | Text |
Periods | Periods | Optional list of group values for time/sequence-driven data (e.g. months, quarters; if used, should be equal to branch count) | Text |
Title | Title | Optional chart title | Text |
Category Title | CatTitle | Optional title for category axis | Text |
Value Title | ValTitle | Optional title for value axis | Text |
Range | Range | Optional domain describing min/max values for value axis (leaving empty will have bounds auto-assigned | Domain |
Color Palette | Palette | Optional color palette to use for chart (otherwise default is used) | Generic Data |
Font | Font | Optional font style to use for chart (otherwise default is used) | Generic Data |
Chart Settings | Settings | Optional chart settings created in setup of alternate chart component | Generic Data |