Name | ID | Description | Type |
Variables | Var | Design Variables | Number |
Objectives | Obj | Design Objectives | Number |
Population Size | Pop | Population Size: number of solutions for each interation | Integer |
Generations | Gen | Max number of generations | Integer |
Seed | S | Random Seed. Integer 0 will leave the seed unspecified. | Integer |
Filename | F | File name + extension ('output.csv') MUST INCLUDE EXTENSION | Text |
Directory | Dir | Address of output file | Text |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Pareto Front | Pareto | The last NSGA-II generation, approximating the Pareto Front | Text |
All Solutions | All Solutions | Record of all designs and their performance recorded while the algorithm was running. IF SLIDERS MOVE BUT THERE IS NO OUTPUT, CHECK DIRECTORY | Text |
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