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ADDON. Version 0.4. Released on 2015-Nov-27. Provides 30 components. Created by Carson Smuts. Features 1 video tutorials.
Mosquito is a plugin suite developed for Rhino and Grasshopper. The plugin allows us to tap into social , financial and popular media. Extracting location, profiles, images and messages from Facebook,Twitter, Topsy etc…. As architects part of our responsibility is the consideration of the public realm. Today however , people tend to hang in the digital equivalent, namely, social media space. While this space becomes ever more permanent, the physical realm is fleeting, an evanescent space. We are utilizing the tools in this component suite to bridge the gap between geometrics and information. Driving geometry with data and vice-versa. The ability to extract user Geo-coordinates, language, thoughts, profile and image enables architects to paint a picture. It is this 4-dimensional picture, which we refer to as “spatial condition”, that allows us to explore what happened yesterday, now and hypothesize about tomorrow. True 4-dimensional modeling.


GEO Project (Project)
Projects coordinates from WGS84 to a state-plane) - by Carson Smuts 2015
Vector Maps
Extracts Vector maps of cities from OSM. Roads, Buildings etc (Building Heights are not available for all locations) - by Carson Smuts 2015
MapPlaces (Places API Data)
Extracts Google Places data (Requires GooglePlaces APIKey. Visit the Google APIs Console at https://code.google.com/apis/console) - by Carson Smuts 2015
MapProject (Project Points)
Projects point data to and from lon/lat - by Carson Smuts 2015
Mosquito-Direct (GDirect)
Returns routes, times, and directions - Carson Smuts 2015
MosquitoStep (GStep)
Map Step (use with Mosquito Direct) - Carson Smuts 2015
MosquitoLocation (Location)
Location and reverse geo-coding hack - Carson Smuts 2015
GoogleMap (GMaps)
Google Map Hack -still in development, use with caution - Carson Smuts 2015


Calculates Flow Paths On Surface by Carson
Refraction (Refract)
A plugin that calculates refaction of rays through a material by Carson
SonicRoot (Root)
Fast-Square Root Calculation by Carson
Calculates Reflections Off Surfaces From Source Pnt by Carson
Calculates Reflections From Target Points by Carson
Vasari CSV (VasariCSV)
Import CSV file from Vasari by Carson


Audio Play (Play)
Play the audio wave from an MP3 by Carson
Audio Scrub (AudioScrub)
Scrub through audio from an MP3 by Carson
Audio Wave (AudioWave)
Extract the audio wave from an MP3 by Carson
Metering levels for Audio Samples and Other cool stuff by Carson


MosquitoFlicker (Flicker)
Flicker API tap by Carson
GoogleStock (Stock)
Stock Market values from Google - concept by Mia Zinni + Carson Smuts
SonicTweet (Twitter)
Access Twitter API by Carson
SonicTweet User (tUser)
GH Twitter API User Info by Carson


Extract EXIF data from Photos by Carson
Download Images (ImageDL)
Downloads images to a directory by Carson
Material (Mat)
Applies a material to a Surface by Carson


String Recorder (Recorder)
Record strings over time and cull duplicates by Carson
StringDuplicates (StringDup)
Search for Duplicate Strings by Carson
SonicStringSearch (FindString)
Search for words in a body of text by Carson


Branch Count (Bs)
Returns the number of branches in a list by Carson
Sub Graft (SubGraft)
Graft A flat Tree into grouped Branches by Carson

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Mosquito and associated data © 2024 Carson Smuts.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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