Name | ID | Description | Type |
Geometry | Area | The area you wish to search for | Geometry |
Boolean | AllRoads | Loads all roads WARNING takes a long time to load | Boolean |
Boolean | Buildings | Loads all Buildings WARNING takes a long time to load | Boolean |
Boolean | Amenities | Loads all Amenities | Boolean |
Text | Custom Search | Load a custom data set for example see e.g. shop=clothing | Text |
Boolean | ReProject | Unskew the geometry and Project to Meters | Boolean |
Boolean | CenterToWorld | Centers all the geometry to the center of world = 0,0,0 | Boolean |
Boolean | ServerTwo | If there is a server problem, try this | Boolean |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Curve | RoadLines | The CenterLine of Roads | Curve |
String | RoadInfo | Road Info | Text |
Curve | BuildingLines | The Building footprint | Curve |
String | BuildingInfo | Building Info | Text |
Double | BuildingHeights | Building Heights if available | Number |
Curve | AmenityLines | Amenity footprints | Curve |
String | AmenityInfo | Amenity Info | Text |
Point | AmenityPoints | Amenity points | Point |
String | AmenityPointInfo | Amenity Point Info | Text |
Curve | CustomLines | Custom Search footprints | Curve |
String | CustomInfo | Custom Search Info | Text |
Point | CustomPoints | Custom Search points | Point |
String | CustomPointInfo | Custom Search Point Info | Text |
String | BenchMark | The Object Name | Text |
Point | ProjPoint | Use this with the Project plugin so your geometry scale properly | Point |
Point | CenterPoint | Use this with the Project plugin so your geometry overlaps correctly | Point |
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Mosquito and associated data © 2024 Carson Smuts.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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