Name | ID | Description | Type |
String | Search | The search Phrase you wish to search for | Text |
Double | GeoLat | Geo Latitude Co-ord | Number |
Double | GeoLon | Geo Latitude Co-ord | Number |
Double | GeoRadius | Geo Search Radius in Kilometers | Number |
Double | nResults | Number of results (Max 100) | Number |
Boolean | DateL | Show the date in milliseconds since the Epoch 1970 | Boolean |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
String | Message | The search Results | Text |
String | fromUser | The Senders name | Text |
String | toUser | The Senders name | Text |
String | Date | Tweet Date= Year/Month/Day | Text |
String | Location | User Location | Text |
Boolean | hasGeo | Cull Pattern for Geo Only Tweets | Boolean |
String | ProfilePic | URL profile pic to be used in combination with our Image Preview component | Text |
String | Followers | The number of followers this user has | Text |
String | ID | The unique ID of the message, for culling duplicates | Text |
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Mosquito and associated data © 2024 Carson Smuts.
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