Name | ID | Description | Type |
Point | FromPnt | Point to search FROM | Point |
Point | ToPnt | Point to search TO | Point |
String | FromAddr | Address to search FROM - if used, will overide the above Point input | Text |
String | ToAddr | Address to search TO - if used, will overide the above Point input | Text |
Integer | Route | Which route do you want to display? | Integer |
String | Units | Get info in imperial or metric | Text |
String | Mode | Choose between -driving-walking-bicycling | Text |
String | Avoid | Should we avoid -tolls- or -highways- | Text |
String | Time | Specify the time of depature for this Transit mode only - must be in UNIX Epoch time format i.e. 1442598189 | Text |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
String | Route | The Name of the route | Text |
String | RouteN | The number of routes to choose from | Text |
String | Distance | The Distance to travel | Text |
String | Duration | The Time to travel | Text |
String | StartAddr | Start Location | Text |
String | EndAddr | End Location | Text |
Point | StartEnd | Start and End | Point |
Point | Points | All Points from Start to End | Point |
SonicStep | Steps | Each Step from A to B (Use the Step Component to read this output) | Generic Data |
Double | Minutes | The Time to travel in seconds | Number |
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Mosquito and associated data © 2024 Carson Smuts.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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