Refinement Region Butterfly refinement range. - | |
Create Case from Geometries Create an OpenFOAM Case from geometries. - | |
Wind Tunnel Parameters Wind tunnel parameters. - | |
Update block Mesh Dict Update blockMeshDict. - | |
Create Case from Tunnel Create Case from wind tunnel. - | |
Meshing Parameters Set meshing parameters for blockMesh and snappyHexMesh. | |
Location Refinement Mode Inside/Ouside region refinement. - | |
Butterfly This component downloads butterfly library from github to: C:sersUSERNAME%ppDataoamingcNeelhinoceros.0criptsutterfly - | |
Create Butterfly Geometry Create Butterfly surface. - | |
Distance Refinement Mode Distance refinement. - | |
Make2d Parameters Make a case 2d. | |
Create Case from Folder Create an OpenFOAM Case from an existing case in a local folder. - | |
Wind Vector Wind vector. - |
Segment Grading Segment Grading. Use this component to create a grading for a segment of the block based on ratio or length. - | |
Load Points Load points from the case for preview. - | |
chek Mesh Chek the metrics about the mesh. - | |
Grading XYZ Grading XYZ Create a grading for different XYZ. - | |
wind Tunnel Grading Windtunnel auto grading This component generates gradingXYZ for an outdoor study (wind tunnel). - | |
snappy Hex Mesh Dict Set parameters for snappyHexMeshDict. Read more about snappyHexMeshDict here: | |
Multi Grading MultiGrading Create a grading for multiple segment_gradings. - | |
snappy Hex Mesh snappyHexMesh - | |
Load Mesh Load mesh from the case for preview. - | |
block Mesh blockMesh - |
decompose Par Dict simple Simple decomposeParDict. Dictionary for parallel runs. - | |
Get Geometry Update fvSchemes values based on mesh orthogonalities. - | |
div Schemes library Generate fvSchemes based on mesh non-orthogonalities. - | |
Fv Schemes from Non-orthogonality Generate fvSchemes based on mesh non-orthogonalities. - | |
decompose Par Dict scotch Scotch decomposeParDict. Dictionary for parallel runs. - | |
Look Up Case Folder Look Up Case Folder. - | |
purge Case Purge case folder. - |
epsilon Wall Function Epsilon Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
kq RWall Function kqR Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
nutk Wall Function nutk Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
fixed Value Fixed value boundary condition. - | |
zero Gradient Zero gradient boundary condition. - | |
calculated calculated boundary condition. - |
Solution Run recipes using OpenFOAM. - | |
Solution Parameter Solution Parameter. | |
control Dict Set parameters for runDict | |
Function Object Function Object. | |
probes Create Butterfly probes | |
Solution Parameters Solution Parameters. |
Outlet Boundary Create an outlet boundary with uniform pressure value. - | |
Wall Boundary Create a wall boundary. - | |
Boundary Create a custom boundary. - | |
Inlet Flow-Rate Boundary Create an inlet boundary with flow rate in m3/s. - | |
Inlet Boundary Create an inlet boundary with uniform velocity value. - |
Load Probes Load probes from a folder. - | |
Load Probes Value Load results for a field in probes. - | |
Sample Case Sample the results for a case. Use this component yo load the results for a case that you have ran already. - | |
Plot Residuals Load residual values for a case. - | |
Load Skipped Probes Load results for a field in probes. - |
residual Control Set residual control convergance values. | |
Steady Incompressible Recipe Steady Incompressible Recipe. - | |
relaxtion Factors Set relaxtionFactors values | |
Heat Transfer Recipe Heat Transfer Recipe. - |
Laminar Turbulence Model Laminar turbulence modelling. Read more: Watch this: | |
RAS Turbulence Model Reynolds-averaged simulation (RAS) turbulence model. Read more: Watch this: | |
LES Turbulence Model Large eddy simulation (LES) modelling. Read more: Watch this: |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.
Butterfly and associated data © 2024 Mostapha Sadeghipour Roudsari.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
Hosted by GitHub