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ADDON. Version 3.4. Released on 2021-Jun-27. Provides 43 components. Created by Wayne Yeh. Features 0 video tutorials.
Duck executes the sorting function on various types of geometries (points, curves,breps, meshes...etc). Also, a new function is added that the geometries can be sorted flexible by assigning a reference point. Plus, it provides an application that reorganises sub-divided surfaces with a correct and customised data structure.


Sort Curves clockwise (SortCurvesclockwise)
Sort a list of curves clockwise
Sort Point Clockwise (clockwise points)
sorting a list og points clockwisely based on the assigned plane
Sort points anti-clockwise (Anti-clockwise points)
Sorting a list of points anti-clockwisely based on the assigned plane
sort a list of breps anticlockwise
Sort a list of breps clockwise
SortCurveAnticlockwise (SortCurveAtni)
Sort a list of curces anticlockwise
sort a list of meshes anticlockwise
Sort a list of meshes clockwise
sort a list of surafce anticlockwise
sort a list of surfaces clockwise


Sort Surface Area
Sorting a list of surfaces according to the surface area
Sort Surface UV
Sorting a list of surfaces according to the distance from the reference point to the point on the surfaces by assigning UV parameters
Sort Surface X
Sorting a list of surfaces according to the X coordinate sequences of the center points
Sort Surface Y
Sorting a list of surfaces according to the Y coordinate sequences of the center points
Sort Surface Z
Sorting a list of surfaces according to the Z coordinate sequences of the center points
Sort Surfaces Point
Sorting a list of surfaces according to the distance to the reference point
SSUV (SortSurfaceUV)
Sorting a list of sub-surfaces in a correct order by UV
srf: the original untrimmed surface
srfs : the messed up sub-surfaces waiting to be sorted
u: number of branches( int required)
v: number of items in one branch( int required)


Sort Brep X
Sorting a list of Breps according to the X coordinate of the center points
Sort Breps Point
Sorting a list of breps according to the distance from the reference point to the center points of the closed brpes
Sort Breps Volume
Sorting a list of breps according to the volumes
Sort Breps Y
Sorting a list of Breps according to the Y coordinate of the center points
Sort Breps Z
Sorting a list of Breps according to the Z coordinate of the center points


Sort Curves Length
Sorting a list of curves according to the length
Sort Curves Point
Sorting a list of curves according to the distance from the reference point to the evaluated point
Sort Curves X
Sorting a list of curves according to the X coordinates of the evaluated points.
Sort Curves Y
Sorting a list curves according to the Y coordinates of the evaluated points
Sort Curves Z (3.0) (Sort Curves Z)
Sorting a list curves according to the Z coordinates of the evaluated point


Sort Mesh Area
Sorting a list of meshes according to the area
Sort Mesh Point
Sorting a list of meshes according to the distance from the reference point to the center points of the meshes.
Sort Mesh X
Sorting a list of meshes according to the X coordinate of the center points
Sort Mesh Y
Sorting a list of meshes according to the Y coordinate of the center points
Sort Mesh Z
Sorting a list of meshes according to the Z coordinate of the center points


SortBoxDimension(1.0) (SortBoxDimension)
Sorting a list of boxes according to the XYZ dimension of the boxes.
Deconstruct the brep to surfaces, pairing srfs by assigning index (trail version 30 elments limited)
SortDuckSurfaceX(1.0) (SortDuckSurfaceX)
Sort the Duck surfaces with x dimension and return a referenced plane
SortDuckSurfaceY(1.0) (SortDuckSurfaceY)
Sort the Duck surfaces with y dimension and return a referenced plane
Sort the Duck surfaces with z dimension and return a referenced plane


Sort Points X
Sorting a list of points according to the X coordinate of the poins
Sort Points Y
Sorting a list of points according to the Y coordinate of the points
Sort Points Z
Sorting a list of points according to the Z coordinate of the points
Sorting a list of points according to the distance from the reference point


DUCK Font (DF)
A list of font opsions in rhino system which can be determined by assigning index number.


Sort Points Along Curve
Sorting a list of points by giving a guide line
(direction matters)

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