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ADDON. Version 0.92. Released on 2013-Jul-03. Provides 18 components. Created by Florian Frank. Features 4 video tutorials.
FabTools is a set of Clusters, that enhances the ability of Grasshopper. The Tools are for fabrication purposes in Grasshopper and improve your workflow and accelerate your scripting tasks.


Advanced Bake (AdvancedBake)
Advanced Bake allows to bake all kinds of geometry Objects with attributes (see BakeAttributes and PlotAttributes by blickfeld7
BakeArrows (BakeArrow)
Add arrowheads as bake attributes to curves. This only works with Advanced Bake (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92
Layer Attributes (LayerAttributes)
Layer attributes (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92
Object Attributes for Bake (BakeAttributes)
Bake attributes for Advanced Bake (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92
Object Attributes for Plot (PlotAttributes)
Bake attributes for Advanced Bake (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92
View Bake and Plot Attributes (ViewAttributes)
Prints out all the bake and plot attributes from your geometry.
To assign Attributes see BakeAttributes and PlotAttributes by blickfeld7.com
Version 0.92


Aligned Dimension (AlignedDimension)
This component ceates aligned dimensions
Angular Dimension (AngularDimension)
This component creates an angular dimension from circles and arcs.
The resulting AngularDimension object can be baked with the Advanced Bake (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92
Diameter Dimension (DiameterDimension)
This component creates a diameter dimension from circles and arcs.
The resulting RadialDimension object can be baked with the Advanced Bake (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92
Dimensional Chain (DimensionalChain)
This component ceates a single dimension or a dimensional chain, when more than 2 points are provided
Edit Dimension (EditDimension)
This component extracts the numerical value, plane and text from the dimension object
This component creates a hatch from closed planar curves.
The resulting Hatch object can be baked with the Advanced Bake (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92


Engrave Text (EngraveText)
Creates text as a single line curve, ideal for engraving purposes.
Version 0.92
Text 3D Advanced (3D Text)
Creates 3D Text with custom color, font and alignment.
Version 0.92
Text Contour (TextContour)
This creates Contours from TextEntitys. To make TextEntitys see Text3d Advanced by blickfeld7.com
Version 0.92
Text Dot (TextDot)
This component creates a TextDot from location and text.
The TextDot object can be baked with the Advanced Bake component (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92


Unrolls Breps and Surfaces with additional curves and points.
by blickfeld7.com
View Direction (ViewDir)
Gets the vector of the view direction from the active viewport or a specified view. (by blickfeld7.com)
Version 0.92

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   FabTools and associated data © 2024 Florian Frank.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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