Clusterize Points By Distance (f_PtsCBD) Clusterize a list of points by distance | |
Get Euler Angles ZYX (f_EuZYX) the Euler angles for a rotation transformation in ZYX order Also known as Yaw, Pitch, Roll | |
Get Euler Angles ZYZ (f_EuZYZ) the Euler angles for a rotation transformation in ZYZ sequence Most common in robotics | |
L Polyline From Plane (f_LPP) Generates an L shaped polyline (X-O-Y order) from a Plane | |
Points In Sphere (RTree) (f_PtsSphRT) Detects Points within a Sphere of given center and radius in a given RTree Use this for fixed search sets For dynamic search sets use the other Points In Sphere | |
Rotation from ZYX Euler Angles (f_RotZYX) Create a Rotation Transform from Euler Angles ZYX (aka yaw, pitch, roll) | |
Rotation from ZYZ Euler Angles (f_RotZYZ) Create a Rotation Transform from Euler Angles ZYZ | |
RTree Closest Point (f_RTreeCP) Returns the Closest Point to a given RTree | |
Smallest Enclosing Circle (f_SEC) Finds the Smallest Enclosing Circle for the given points in the given plane original code Copyright (c) 2020 Project Nayuki | |
Text To Geometry (f_T2Geom) Converts text into geometry (Polylines, Curves or Surfaces) use single-line fonts for best results in fabrication | |
Adaptive Fillet (f_AdFlt) Fillets a polyline proportionally to the segment length and angle | |
Divide Curve By Tangent Angle (f_DivTanAng) Adaptively Divides a Curve By Tangent Angle threshold | |
Frenet Serret Frame (f_FSFrame) Solves the Frenet-Serret Frame (Tangent, Normal and Binormal) for a Polyline | |
Flapper (f_Flap) builds flaps on a planar mesh naked edges Suggested use with mesh strips Automatic compensation for overlaps | |
Is Polyline Clockwise (f_PlCW) Determines if a planar Polyline direction is clockwise | |
Orient 3 Points_DEPRECATED (f_C3PO) Orient objects by sets of 3 points | |
Plane From L Polyline (f_PLP) Generates a plane from an L shaped polyline (X-O-Y order) | |
Points In Sphere (f_PtsSph) Detects Points within a Sphere of given center and radius Use this in case of dynamic sets to search For fixed sets, use the RTree version | |
Sort Points By Angle (f_PtsByAng) Sorts a list of points by angle from their average point | |
Surface QuadTree By Curvature (f_SQTreeK) Subdivides iteratively a surface based on local curvature | |
Surface QuadTree By Curve (f_SQTreeC) Subdivides iteratively a surface based on a set of curves | |
Trilateration (f_TriLat) Finds intersection of 3 spheres with algebraic method (faster than geometric intersection of solids) | |
Signed Vector Angle (f_SVAng) Computes angle between vectors with direction-dependent sign clockwise is -, counter-clockwise is + |
Extract Mesh Edges (f_MEdges) Extract Mesh Edges as Lines | |
Mesh Point Inside (f_MPInside) Verify if a Point is inside or outside a closed Mesh This component uses the Mesh Winding Number (MWN) method see Jacobson et al | |
Mesh Report (f_MRep) Generates a report on a Mesh geometry. Previews naked (Magenta) & non-manifold (Blue) edges | |
Extract Mesh Faces (f_MFaces) Extract Mesh Faces (by index) as Mesh | |
Mesh Connectivity - Edge Proximity Map (f_MC-EPM) Mesh edge-centered Topological connectivity map | |
Mesh Connectivity - Edge Proximity Single (f_MC-EPS) Mesh Topological connectivity for a single edge | |
Mesh Connectivity - Face Proximity Map (f_MC-FPM) Mesh face-centered Topological connectivity map | |
Mesh Connectivity - Face Proximity Single (f_MC-FPS) Mesh Topological connectivity for a single face | |
Mesh Connectivity - Vertex Proximity Map (f_MC-VPM) Mesh vertex-centered Topological connectivity map | |
Mesh Connectivity - Vertex Proximity Single (f_MC-VPS) Mesh Topological connectivity for a single vertex | |
Mesh Closest Vertex Index (f_MCVi) Closest vertex index in a mesh (absolute and face-relative) for a given list of points | |
Mesh De-Noising (f_MDN) Reduces noise in a mesh (i.e. from scanned pointclouds or messy ones) algorithm by Paul Bourke - 1997 - | |
Meshes Extract Edges with tolerance angle (f_MmEEA) Extract Mesh edges with specific angle tolerance. Optimized for many meshes | |
Mesh Extract Edges with tolerance angle (f_MsEEA) Extract Mesh edges with specific angle tolerance. Optimized for a single mesh | |
Mesh Faces To Vertices Values (f_MF2VVal) Converts per-face into per-vertex values | |
Mesh Isocurves (f_MIso) Generates isocurves on colored quad meshes | |
Mesh Pseudo-Curvature (f_MPC) A quick and dirty method to evaluate something like curvature on triangulate meshes This one seems to have a penchant for peaks and valleys | |
Mesh Rebuild Normals (f_MReNorm) Rebuilds Mesh Normals | |
Mesh Subdivide Quad Faces (f_SubMQF) Subdivides a Quad Mesh Face in a custom UV number of sub-faces | |
Mesh To C# Snippet (f_M2CS) Generates C# code for a given Mesh | |
Mesh Unlooper (f_MUnl) Opens closed Mesh loop strips | |
Mesh Vertices To Faces Values (f_MV2FVal) Converts per-vertex into per-face values | |
Reduce Mesh (f_RedMesh) Reduce Mesh polygon count |
Create RTree (f_CRTree) Creates an RTree from Points, PointClouds or Meshes | |
DataTreeGraph (f_DTG) Generates a graphics representation of a Data Tree inscribed in an input Circle Original VB | |
Froggle (f_Fro) Like a Toggle, but flipped by a Button you can also double click on the component to flip status BY DESIGN, it resets to False when opening a file containing it, and the Froggle status flips only when a True value is input | |
SelectRhinoObjects (f_SelRhObj) Select referenced Objects in Rhino by their GUID All kinds of Rhino entities can be selected | |
Toggle Autostop (f_TAS) Stops a Toggle (reverting its status from True to False) when a condition is met | |
Bake Attributes Enhanced (f_Bake++) Bakes objects with attributes (such as color, material, layer, object name, isocurve density) Option for baking into groups | |
Centered Domain (f_CDom) Generates a domain of length L, centered in 0 | |
Deconstruct Block From ID (f_BlDecon) Deconstructs a Rhino Block from its name | |
Deconstruct Dot (f_DotDecon) Deconstructs a Rhino Dot Object (best used in combination with Deconstruct Block) | |
Double Shift (f_DShift) Performs a double shift on a list - with optional wrap | |
Indexes From List (f_iFromL) Generates a list of 0-based integer indexes from a given list of data | |
IndexesFromNumber (f_iFromN) Generates a list of 0-based integer indexes from a given amount | |
Mass Boolean (f_MassBool) Mass boolean operator on a list of values | |
ObjectLayer (f_OLay) Gets the Layer of a Rhino referenced object | |
Serial Branch Path (f_SBPath) Retrieves the data tree path and data for a specific branch serial index | |
Symmetric Domain (f_SDom) Generates a (-X, X) domain | |
Weighted Random Choice (f_WRC) Generates weighted random sequences from a given list of values and weights |
Camera Control And Zoom To Geometry (f_CamConZ2Geo) Controls Rhino camera from Grasshopper, with the ability to Zoom to a given geometry | |
CameraReport (f_CamRep) Gets information about Rhino view camera | |
Custom Material (f_MatC) Create Custom Render Materials | |
Custom Mesh Vertices Display (f_CMVD) Render-compatible custom Mesh vertices display | |
Custom Mesh Wires Display (f_CMWD) Render-compatible custom Mesh wires display | |
Named Views To Cinema 4D (f_NV2C4D) Translates Named Views Data for Cinema 4D | |
Orient To Camera (f_O2Cam) Creates a Camera-aligned Plane centered on a given point | |
PointCloud Display (f_PCD) Render-compatible Point Cloud display | |
Slider Value display (f_SlVDisp) Display Slider values on screen | |
Turntable (f_TT) Simulates a turntable animation around selected objects | |
View Capture To File (f_VC2F) Saves a bitmap of the selected Rhino viewport - with options Make sure this object is on top of all other objects (i.e.executes last) | |
Weighted Spheres Cloud Display (f_WSCD) Render-compatible Weighted Sphere Cloud display Suitable for volumetric scalar field display |
COM Port Writer (f_COMpW) Sends data to a COM port | |
Export Curves to AI (f_AIexp) Export curves to Adobe Illustrator format, retaining layers | |
Save GH File (f_GHSave) Saves a copy of the current GH document as a new file Use with a Button or a Froggle (not a Toggle) | |
Directory Reader (f_DirRead) Returns the list of Files and subdirectories in a Directory Double click the component to update | |
GH File Path Info (f_GHFilePath) Provides info on current Grasshopper Document file name and path Useful for exporting files with the same name as the gh file and in the same directory | |
Load STL Binary File (f_STLBinLoad) Loads a Binary STL Mesh file | |
Path Generator (f_PathG) Generates a path based on local directories such as Desktop, Documents, GH file path | |
Read File From URL (f_URLr) Reads a file from a URL | |
Save String To File (f_Str2File) Saves a text sequence to a file |
Mesh Offset Extended (f_MeshOffEx) Offsets a Mesh using several possible options Integrates algorithms by Daniel Piker, from this post: | |
Fast Mesh From Polyline (f_FMesh) Creates a fast mesh from a closed polyline | |
Mesh Bridge (f_MBridge) Builds a Mesh Bridge between lists of points | |
Polylines Mesh Loft (f_PMLoft) Lofts polylines with the same number of vertices into a mesh | |
Space-Filling Polyhedra Generator (f_SPHGen) Creates a space filling Polyhedron |
Clusterizer (f_Clstr) Groups topology data into clusters of indexes | |
Topologizer (f_TLN) Solves line network topology | |
Topology Inverter (f_TInv) Invert topology tree indexes ex. in a network, from nodes sorted by lines to lines sorted by node and vice - versa |
A wise frog (froGH) Here's some simple advice: Always be yourself |
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FroGH and associated data © 2024 Co-de-iT (Computational Design Italy).
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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