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Grasshopper Intersect

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version 1.0.0007. Released on 2022-Mar-08. Provides 52 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Curve | Line (CLX)
Solve intersection events for a curve and a line.
Line | Line (LLX)
Solve intersection events for two lines.
Curve | Plane (PCX)
Solve intersection events for a curve and a plane.
Line | Plane (PLX)
Solve intersection event for a line and a plane.
Point Cloud Section (PC Section)
Create a planar section by intersecting a plane with a cloud of points
Point Cloud Contour (PC Contour)
Create a series of planar curves by intersecting planes with a cloud of points
Brep | Plane (Sec)
Solve intersection events for a Brep and a plane (otherwise known as section).
Brep | Line (BLX)
Solve intersection events for a Brep and a line.
Mesh | Ray (MeshRay)
Intersect a mesh with a semi-infinite ray
Mesh | Plane (Sec)
Solve intersection events for a Mesh and a Plane (otherwise known as section).
Create a set of Brep or Mesh contours
Contour (ex) (Contour)
Create a set of Brep or Mesh contours
Surface | Line (SLX)
Solve intersection events for a surface and a line.
IsoVist (IVist)
Compute an isovist sampling at a location
IsoVist Ray (IVRay)
Compute a single isovist sample at a location
Plane | Plane (PPX)
Solve the intersection event of two planes.
Plane | Plane | Plane (3PX)
Solve the intersection events of three planes.
Plane Region (PlReg)
Create a bounded region from intersecting planes.


Solid Union (SUnion)
Perform a solid union on a set of Breps.
Solid Intersection (SInt)
Perform a solid intersection on two Brep sets.
Solid Difference (SDiff)
Perform a solid difference on two Brep sets.
Trim Solid (Trim)
Cut holes into a shape with a set of solid cutters.
Split Brep (Split)
Split one brep with another.
Split Brep Multiple (SplitMul)
Split one brep with a bunch of others.
Boundary Volume (BVol)
Create a closed polysurface from boundary surfaces
Region Union (RUnion)
Union of a set of planar closed curves (regions)
Region Difference (RDiff)
Difference between two sets of planar closed curves (regions)
Region Intersection (RInt)
Intersection between two sets of planar closed curves (regions)
Box Slits (Slits)
Add slits to a collection of intersecting boxes
Region Slits (RSlits)
Add slits to a collection of intersecting planar regions
Mesh Union (MUnion)
Perform a solid union on a set of meshes
Mesh Difference (MDif)
Perform a solid difference on two sets of meshes
Mesh Intersection (MInt)
Perform a solid intersection on a set of meshes
Mesh Split (MSplit)
Mesh Mesh split


Curve | Curve (CCX)
Solve intersection events for two curves.
Multiple Curves (MCX)
Solve intersection events for multiple curves.
Curve | Self (CX)
Solve all self intersection events for a curve.
Brep | Brep (BBX)
Solve intersection events for two Breps.
Brep | Curve (BCX)
Solve intersection events for a Brep and a curve.
Surface | Curve (SCX)
Solve intersection events for a surface and a curve.
Surface Split (SrfSplit)
Split a surface with a bunch of curves.
Collision One|Many (ColOM)
Test for one|many collision between objects
Collision Many|Many (ColMM)
Test for many|many collision between objects
Mesh | Mesh (MMX)
Mesh Mesh intersection
Mesh | Curve (MCX)
Mesh Curve intersection
Perform clash analysis on a set of shapes.


Split with Brep (Split)
Split a curve with a Brep.
Split with Breps (Split)
Split a curve with multiple Breps.
Trim with Brep (Trim)
Trim a curve with a Brep.
Trim with Breps (Trim)
Trim a curve with multiple Breps.
Trim with Region (Trim)
Trim a curve with a region.
Trim with Regions (Trim)
Trim a curve with multiple regions.

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