Quick Abs (qAbs) Absolute value of a number. | |
Quick Add (qAdd) Adds two numbers or integers together. | |
Quick AEQ (qAEQ) Checks two numbers for equality in tolerance | |
Quick Avg (qAvg) Averages a list of numbers. | |
Quick Bounds (qBounds) Gets 1D bounds for a list of numbers | |
Quick Divide (qDiv) Divides two numbers or integers. | |
Quick Eq (qEq) Checks two numbers for equality | |
Quick GT (qGT) Test two numbers within a tolerance | |
Quick LT (qLT) Tests two numbers within a tolerance | |
Quick Mod (qMod) Modulus of two numbers | |
Quick Multiply (qMult) Multiplies two numbers or integers together. | |
Quick Neg (qNeg) Negative of a number | |
Quick Subtract (qSub) Subtract two numbers or integers. | |
Vector Avg (vAvg) Averages a list of vectors of points. | |
Vec Add (vAdd) Add two points or vectors. | |
Vector Bounds (vBounds) Gets 2D bounds for a list of Points or Vectors | |
Vec Subtract (vSub) Subtract two points or vectors. |
Par Closest Curve CP (ParCCCP) Finds the closest point on a curve in a set of curves. | |
Par Curve CP (ParCurveCP) Closest Point on a curve to a sample, within a tolerance. | |
Par Divide Length (ParDivLen) Divide a curve into segments with a preset length. | |
Par Mesh CP (ParMeshCP) Closest point on a mesh to a sample point | |
Par Point CP (ParPointCP) Find the k closest points in a set to a sample point | |
Par Shatter (ParShatter) Shatter the curve along selected parameters. | |
Halton Sequence (PopHalton) Generate random points within a bounding area |
Par Brep Line Intersect (ParBLX) Test whether a line and brep intersect. | |
Par Curve Curve Intersect (ParCCX) Test whether a pair of curves intersect. | |
Par Iso Vist2D (ParIso2D) Shoot a ring of rays at a set of obstacles. | |
Par Iso Vist3D (ParIso3D) Shoot a ring of rays at a set of obstacles. | |
Par Mesh Curve Intersect (ParMCX) Test whether a mesh and a curve intersect. | |
Par Mesh Ray Intersect (ParMeshRay) Shoot a ray at a mesh. |
Par Brep Inc (ParBrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep. | |
Par MBrep Inc (ParMBrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep. | |
Par Mesh Inc (ParMeshInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed mesh. | |
Par MMesh Inc (ParMMeshInc) Test whether a point is inside multiple closed meshes. | |
Par Point In Curve (ParPtinCrv) Test whether a point is inside a closed curve. | |
Par Point In Curves (ParPtInCrvs) Test whether a point is inside multiple curves. |
Bench Group (GStopWatch) Returns the runtimes of all components in its group. | |
Bench Component (StopWatch) Returns the runtimes of all its inputs on any recompute. |
Par Mesh Flow (ParMeshFlow) Find flow lines along a mesh according to a gravitational vector | |
Par Visual Center (ParVisCen) Find the visual center of a closed curve. |
Parallel Div (TestDivPar2) Impala Generic testing |
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