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ADDON. Version 0.028. Released on 2013-Aug-26. Provides 20 components. Created by Marios Tsiliakos. Features 1 video tutorials.


Attractor Values (AttValues)
Generates numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by a certain number of point attractors.
Bundle Attractor (Bundle)
Generates an iteratively bundled pointlist for any given datatree population of points.
Curve Attractor (CrvAttractor)
Generates an iteratively defined new point/vector list for any given, curve attractor affected, population of points.
Curve Ravel (CrvRavel)
Generates distance raveled numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by any number of curve attractors.
Curve Values (CrvValues)
Generates numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by any number of curve attractors.
Point Attractor (PtAttractor)
Generates an iteratively defined new point/vector list for any given ,attractor affected, population of points.
Point Ravel (PtRavel)
Generates distance raveled numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by any number of point attractors.
Twirl Attractor (Twirl)
Generates an iteratively defined new point/vector list for any given ,twirl attractor affected, population of points.


Generates and animates particles moving within a user defined box (Timer defined).
Generates and animates random points on any given curve (Timer defined).
Generates and animates satellite-like points around any collection of objects (Timer defined).
Generates and animates particles attached on a surface (Timer defined).
Generates and animates a Rhino clipping plane on any given curve (Timer defined).


Generates the gradient descent or ascent paths on a surface for any provided point list.
Mesh Climber (MeshClimber)
Generates the gradient descent or ascent paths on a Mesh object for any provided point list.
Curve Hicking (HickingCrv)
Generates the surface paths for any given ,curve attractor affected, population of points.
Point Hicking (HickingPt)
Generates the surface paths for any given ,point attractor affected, population of points.
Point Patrolling (PatrolPt)
Generates the surface paths for any given ,twirl attractor affected, population of points.


Frame Grid (FrGrid)
Generates a 2-dimensional grid of points distributed as a row/column structure for any given 3dRectangle
Box3d Grid (BoxGrid)
Generates a 3-dimensional grid of points distributed as a row/flippedrow/column structure for any given Box

Video Tutorials

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