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01 | Input
02 | Output
03 | Quantity
04 | Data Organization
05 | Flow


ADDON. Version Released on 2020-May-08. Provides 63 components. Created by Keyu Gan. Features 0 video tutorials.
Pancake can prepare your file for exchange and tweak Grasshopper for better workflow. Features include Quantity, Json, Hang Protection, File Exchange Preparation, Internalize All at Once, Version Tracking, Cluster Manipulation, Directly Export GH Geometry to Exchange Format.

04 | Data Organization

Unwrap List (pcUnwrapList)
Unwrapped an atom list to its original content.
Multi Sort (pcMultiSort)
Sort data by non-numeric or multiple keys. If first keys of two entries are same, the second keys are compared, and so on. This component uses stable sort.
Key-values to Assoc (pcKvToAssoc)
Construct or adjust an associative array by key and values.
Deconstruct Assoc (pcDeconAssoc)
Decompose an associative array into items.
Wrap List (pcWrapList)
Wrap a list to an atom list, which is a list but being treated as one single element.
Assoc to Key-values (pcAssocToKv)
Deconstruct an associative array into list of key paths and values.
Merge Assoc (pcMergeAssoc)
Merge two or more associative arrays.
Construct Assoc (pcConAssoc)
Create an associative array from a list of items.
Assoc to XML (pcAssocToXml)
Export an Assoc to XML. See example for more information.
Assoc to String (pcAssocToString)
Convert an associative array to a string of certain style, such as Json, Python, etc. Right-click the component to choose style.
Get Metadata (pcGetMetadata)
Retrieve metadata from an object.
Shuffle (pcShuffle)
Use Fisher-Yates algorithm to shuffle a list.
Categorize By Index (pcCategorizeByInd)
Categorize values by integer keys. Compared to the generic version, this component has better performance.
Categorize (pcCategorize)
Categorize values by keys.
Count Unique (pcCountUnique)
Extract all unique values from a list and count their occurences.
CSV to Assoc (pcCsvToAssoc)
Create a list of associative arrays from CSV lines. See example for more information.
Set Metadata (pcSetMetadata)
Assign metadata to an object. The output is still a geometric object and metadata will be preserved after many injective operations, such as Move.
Set Principle Value (pcSetAssocPVal)
Set the principle value of an associative array
Extract from Assoc (pcExtractFromAssoc)
Extract data from an associative array by key paths.
Assoc to Datatable (pcAssocToDatatable)
Create a datatable (a set of headers and values), so that data can be used by LunchBox, Human UI, etc, or exported
Assoc To CSV (pcAssocToCsv)
Convert a number of Assocs into CSV content. You may use 'Export TXT' component to write the CSV content into file.
XML to Assoc (pcXmlToAssoc)
Read XML file into Assoc. You may need 'Assoc to Key-values' to convert the result so that it can be more easily processed. See example for more information.

02 | Output

Export 3DM (pcExport3DM)
This component exports geometries from GH to 3DM file directly
This component doesn't rely on user interface operation in Rhino, therefore is faster and more reliable
Export TXT (pcExportTXT)
This component exports text to a file.
Export IGES (pcExportIGES)
This component exports geometries from GH to IGES file directly
This component doesn't rely on Export command.
Definition Path (pcGhFilePath)
Get the path of current Grasshopper definition/file, so that you can reference files wherever they are.
FBX Export Option (pcecFBX)
Template of export options for FBX
Export STL (pcExportStl)
This component exports geometries from GH to STL file directly
This component doesn't rely on any user interface operation in Rhino.
IGES Export Option (pcecIGES)
Template of export options for IGES
AutoCAD Export Option (pcecDWG)
Template of export options for AutoCAD
Serialize (pcSerialize)
Serialize a serializable object into string.
Export KMZ (pcExportKMZ)
This component exports geometries from GH to KMZ file directly
This component doesn't rely on Export command.
Export DAE (pcExportDAE)
This component exports geometries from GH to DAE file directly
This component doesn't rely on Export command.
DXF Export Option (pcecDXF)
Template of export options for DXF
Rhino Export Option (pcec3DM)
Template of export options for Rhino
SketchUp Export Option (pcecSKP)
Template of export options for SketchUp
SAT Export Option (pcecSAT)
Template of export options for SAT
Export As (pcExportAs)
Exports geometries from GH to any format supported by Rhino
STEP Export Option (pcecSTEP)
Template of export options for STEP
Filepath Series (pcFileSeries)
Calculate the next filename in a filepath series.

03 | Quantity

To Decimal Length (pcToDecimalLen)
Convert a quantity to a decimal length with designated unit.
Construct Quantity (pcConQty)
Add unit to a number to convert it into a quantity. When the unit is not supplied, document unit is used.
Use 'Parse String' component to create a feet & inch length quantity.
Quantity Operator (pcQtyOp)
Fulfill arithmetic operator on quantities and numbers
Null Values (pcNull)
Provide special values such as null, NaN, +/-Infinity.
To Feet & Inch Length (pcToFtInLen)
Convert a quantity to a feet-inch length with designated unit.
Quantity (Qty)
Represent an amount and its associated length unit.
Deconstruct Quantity (pcDeconQty)
Deconstruct quantity to its inside amount, unit and unit type. Feet and inch length will become a decimal amount in feet. Otherwise the amount is not converted.
Deconstruct Feet-Inch Length (pcDeconFeetInch)
Deconstruct a feet-inch length quantity to its components.
Set Precision (pcSetPrecision)
Set the precision of a quantity. Precision may have different meanings on different quantities. See manual or example for more information.

01 | Input

Import AMF (pcImportAMF)
This component imports geometries directly into GH.
Import SVG (pcImportSVG)
This component imports geometries directly into GH.
Deserialize (pcDeserialize)
Deserialize a string into its original object.
Import TXT (pcImportTXT)
Read text file, possibly with a specific encoding.
Parse String (pcParseString)
Parse formatted string to its correct type
Import OBJ (pcImportOBJ)
This component imports geometries directly into GH.
Import From (pcImportFrom)
Import geometries from a Rhino-supported format. This component relys on Rhino's import command.
Import To Document (pcImportToDoc)
Import geometries to the current Rhino document. This component relys on Rhino's import command.

05 | Flow

Wait Until (pcWaitUntil)
Postpone data until signal is received
Maintain Visual Appearance (pcMaintainVisApp)
Maintain the same visual appearance of your definition across computers with different Dpi settings. Put the component into the definition and it would work.
Show Assoc (ShowAssoc)
When clicked, the button object only raises recomputation one time.
Default Value (pcDefVal)
Outputs default value (D), if value (V) is not provided, such as an empty cluster input. Outputs the provided value otherwise. The component acts as a filter for optional cluster input.
True Only Button (TrueButton)
When clicked, the button object only raises recomputation one time.
Current Layer (pcCurrentLayer)
Retrieve the name and fullpath of the current layer. Raise re-computation if the current layer changes.

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Pancake and associated data © 2024 Keyu Gan.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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