Unwrap List (pcUnwrapList) Unwrapped an atom list to its original content. | |
Multi Sort (pcMultiSort) Sort data by non-numeric or multiple keys. If first keys of two entries are same, the second keys are compared, and so on. This component uses stable sort. | |
Key-values to Assoc (pcKvToAssoc) Construct or adjust an associative array by key and values. | |
Deconstruct Assoc (pcDeconAssoc) Decompose an associative array into items. | |
Wrap List (pcWrapList) Wrap a list to an atom list, which is a list but being treated as one single element. | |
Assoc to Key-values (pcAssocToKv) Deconstruct an associative array into list of key paths and values. | |
Merge Assoc (pcMergeAssoc) Merge two or more associative arrays. | |
Construct Assoc (pcConAssoc) Create an associative array from a list of items. | |
Assoc to XML (pcAssocToXml) Export an Assoc to XML. See example for more information. | |
Assoc to String (pcAssocToString) Convert an associative array to a string of certain style, such as Json, Python, etc. Right-click the component to choose style. | |
Get Metadata (pcGetMetadata) Retrieve metadata from an object. | |
Shuffle (pcShuffle) Use Fisher-Yates algorithm to shuffle a list. | |
Categorize By Index (pcCategorizeByInd) Categorize values by integer keys. Compared to the generic version, this component has better performance. | |
Categorize (pcCategorize) Categorize values by keys. | |
Count Unique (pcCountUnique) Extract all unique values from a list and count their occurences. | |
CSV to Assoc (pcCsvToAssoc) Create a list of associative arrays from CSV lines. See example for more information. | |
Set Metadata (pcSetMetadata) Assign metadata to an object. The output is still a geometric object and metadata will be preserved after many injective operations, such as Move. | |
Set Principle Value (pcSetAssocPVal) Set the principle value of an associative array | |
Extract from Assoc (pcExtractFromAssoc) Extract data from an associative array by key paths. | |
Assoc to Datatable (pcAssocToDatatable) Create a datatable (a set of headers and values), so that data can be used by LunchBox, Human UI, etc, or exported | |
Assoc To CSV (pcAssocToCsv) Convert a number of Assocs into CSV content. You may use 'Export TXT' component to write the CSV content into file. | |
XML to Assoc (pcXmlToAssoc) Read XML file into Assoc. You may need 'Assoc to Key-values' to convert the result so that it can be more easily processed. See example for more information. |
Export 3DM (pcExport3DM) This component exports geometries from GH to 3DM file directly This component doesn't rely on user interface operation in Rhino, therefore is faster and more reliable | |
Export TXT (pcExportTXT) This component exports text to a file. | |
Export IGES (pcExportIGES) This component exports geometries from GH to IGES file directly This component doesn't rely on Export command. | |
Definition Path (pcGhFilePath) Get the path of current Grasshopper definition/file, so that you can reference files wherever they are. | |
FBX Export Option (pcecFBX) Template of export options for FBX | |
Export STL (pcExportStl) This component exports geometries from GH to STL file directly This component doesn't rely on any user interface operation in Rhino. | |
IGES Export Option (pcecIGES) Template of export options for IGES | |
AutoCAD Export Option (pcecDWG) Template of export options for AutoCAD | |
Serialize (pcSerialize) Serialize a serializable object into string. | |
Export KMZ (pcExportKMZ) This component exports geometries from GH to KMZ file directly This component doesn't rely on Export command. | |
Export DAE (pcExportDAE) This component exports geometries from GH to DAE file directly This component doesn't rely on Export command. | |
DXF Export Option (pcecDXF) Template of export options for DXF | |
Rhino Export Option (pcec3DM) Template of export options for Rhino | |
SketchUp Export Option (pcecSKP) Template of export options for SketchUp | |
SAT Export Option (pcecSAT) Template of export options for SAT | |
Export As (pcExportAs) Exports geometries from GH to any format supported by Rhino | |
STEP Export Option (pcecSTEP) Template of export options for STEP | |
Filepath Series (pcFileSeries) Calculate the next filename in a filepath series. |
To Decimal Length (pcToDecimalLen) Convert a quantity to a decimal length with designated unit. | |
Construct Quantity (pcConQty) Add unit to a number to convert it into a quantity. When the unit is not supplied, document unit is used. Use 'Parse String' component to create a feet & inch length quantity. | |
Quantity Operator (pcQtyOp) Fulfill arithmetic operator on quantities and numbers | |
Null Values (pcNull) Provide special values such as null, NaN, +/-Infinity. | |
To Feet & Inch Length (pcToFtInLen) Convert a quantity to a feet-inch length with designated unit. | |
Quantity (Qty) Represent an amount and its associated length unit. | |
Deconstruct Quantity (pcDeconQty) Deconstruct quantity to its inside amount, unit and unit type. Feet and inch length will become a decimal amount in feet. Otherwise the amount is not converted. | |
Deconstruct Feet-Inch Length (pcDeconFeetInch) Deconstruct a feet-inch length quantity to its components. | |
Set Precision (pcSetPrecision) Set the precision of a quantity. Precision may have different meanings on different quantities. See manual or example for more information. |
Import AMF (pcImportAMF) This component imports geometries directly into GH. | |
Import SVG (pcImportSVG) This component imports geometries directly into GH. | |
Deserialize (pcDeserialize) Deserialize a string into its original object. | |
Import TXT (pcImportTXT) Read text file, possibly with a specific encoding. | |
Parse String (pcParseString) Parse formatted string to its correct type | |
Import OBJ (pcImportOBJ) This component imports geometries directly into GH. | |
Import From (pcImportFrom) Import geometries from a Rhino-supported format. This component relys on Rhino's import command. | |
Import To Document (pcImportToDoc) Import geometries to the current Rhino document. This component relys on Rhino's import command. |
Wait Until (pcWaitUntil) Postpone data until signal is received | |
Maintain Visual Appearance (pcMaintainVisApp) Maintain the same visual appearance of your definition across computers with different Dpi settings. Put the component into the definition and it would work. | |
Show Assoc (ShowAssoc) When clicked, the button object only raises recomputation one time. | |
Default Value (pcDefVal) Outputs default value (D), if value (V) is not provided, such as an empty cluster input. Outputs the provided value otherwise. The component acts as a filter for optional cluster input. | |
True Only Button (TrueButton) When clicked, the button object only raises recomputation one time. | |
Current Layer (pcCurrentLayer) Retrieve the name and fullpath of the current layer. Raise re-computation if the current layer changes. |
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Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.
Pancake and associated data © 2024 Keyu Gan.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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