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ADDON. Version 0.5.0. Released on 2019-Jan-02. Provides 72 components. Created by Paul Jeffries. Features 7 video tutorials.
Salamander (Structural Analysis Link And MANager for Data Entry & Retrieval) hosts structural nodes, elements, sections and so on within Rhino and allows them to be be created and modified like any other data type. They can then be exported to several different FEA packages (Robot, GSA and ETABS currently supported) for analysis.


Create a new level
Assign Build-Up (AssignBuildUp)
Assign panel element build-up families
Create Panel Element In Curve (PanelInCrv)
Create a new Panel Element from a border curve
Create Column (Column)
Create a new vertical linear element.
Assign Section (AssignSect)
Assign element sections
Merge Nodes (Merge)
Merge a collection of Nodes together into one node with melded properties.
Split Node (Split)
Split a node into several nodes, one for each connected element.
Set Releases (Release)
Set the end releases of a linear element
Preview Linear Element (ElementPreview)
Preview the geometry of linear element as a mesh without creating it in either the main or backing model.
Get Nodes (Nodes)
Extract the nodes from an element
Restrain Node (Restrain)
Set the restraint conditions on a node
Generate Beam Framing (GenBeamFraming)
Automatically generate a 'sensible' quadrangular beam framing arrangement between an unordered set of support positions in plan. Work in progress!
Create Wall (Wall)
Create a new vertical Panel Element.
Generate Pratt Truss (Pratt)
Generate a 2D Pratt Truss between two curves
Create Linear Element (Element)
Create a new linear element along a straight line.
Convert to Elements (Convert)
Convert 'dumb' curve, surface and mesh geometry into Salamander elements.
Generate Simple Frame (Frame)
Generate a simple orthogonal building frame with regular column spacing
Create Node (Node)
Create a new node at a specified position
Create Panel Element (Panel)
Create a new Panel Element from a set of edge vertices.
Orientate Towards (Orientate)
Set element orientation such that the relevant local axis of the element (Z-axis for linear elements, X-axis for panels) will align as closely as possible with a given vector.


Salamander Auto-Bake (AutoBake)
Toggle for controlling the Salamander auto-bake global setting
A selector to choose between translational and rotational degrees of freedom in the X, Y, Z, XX, YY and ZZ directions.
A selector to toggle translational and rotational degrees of freedom in the X, Y, Z, XX, YY and ZZ directions.
Get All Panel Elements (AllPanels)
Retrieve all panel elements in the current model
Linear Element
A Salamander Linear Element
Clean Model (Clean)
Clean the model by removing references to deleted objects. Those objects will then no longer be available for undeletion. Can improve performance when many objects have been created and deleted.
Salamander Element
Panel Element
A Salamander Panel Element
Load Case Types (Load Case Type)
A selector to choose between different load nature types.
Section Family (Section)
Salamander Section Family
A Salamander Node
Build-Up Family (BuildUp)
Salamander Build-Up Family
Salamander Material
Coordinate System References (CSRef)
A selector to choose between standard coordinate system references. Useful when specifying load application axes.
Get All Linear Elements (AllLinear)
Retrieve all linear elements in the current model


CHS-Profiles Catalogue (CHS-Profiles)
A selector to choose standard circular hollow section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile.
I-Profiles Catalogue (I-Profiles)
A selector to choose standard I-shaped section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile.
Circular Hollow Section (CHS)
Create a new section property with a circular hollow profile
Angle Profiles Catalogue (Angle Profiles)
A selector to choose standard angle section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile.
I Section (IS)
Create a new section property with a symmetric I-shaped profile
Circular Section (CS)
Create a new section property with a circular profile
Channel Section (CS)
Create a new section property with a channel profile
Text To Section (Text2Sect)
Create a new section property from a catalogue name or textual section description
Angle Section (Angle)
Create a new section property with a L-shaped profile
RHS-Profiles Catalogue (RHS-Profiles)
A selector to choose standard rectangular (and square) hollow section profile descriptions from the catalogue
Get Section (Section)
Retrieve an existing Section Family by name.
Rectangular Section (RS)
Create a new section property with a rectangular profile
Channel Profiles Catalogue (Channel Profiles)
A selector to choose standard channel section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile.
Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS)
Create a new section property with a rectangular hollow profile


Vector Node Load (VectNLoad)
Create a point load described as a vector applied directly to a set of nodes
Node Load (NLoad)
Create a point load applied directly to a set of nodes
Panel Load (Pressure)
Create an area load applied accross a panel element
Load Case (LoadCase)
Create a new load case
Linear Element Load (UDL)
Create a line load applied along a linear element
Linear Element Point Load (Point Load)
Create a point load applied somewhere along a linear element
Gravity Load (Gravity)
Create a gravity load applied to a set of elements
Thermal Load
Create a thermal load applied to a set of elements


Export the Salamander model to CSI ETABS via the COM interface. Requires ETABS to be installed.
Robot Update Options (Options)
Specify Robot update options
Export GWA (GWA)
Export the Salamander model to a text GWA format for import to Oasys GSA
Save Salamander 3 File (SaveS3b)
Save the model as a Salamander .s3b file
Export Robot (Robot)
Export the Salamander model to Autodesk Robot via the COM interface. Requires Robot to be installed.
Update Robot (UpdateRobo)
Sync an existing Robot model to include updates made in Salamander via the COM interface. Requires Robot to be installed.


Get Element Selection (GetElements)
Get the selection of elements in a saved set
Save Node Selection (NodeSet)
Save a selection of nodes as a named node set
Save Element Selection (ElementSet)
Save a selection of elements as a named element set
Get Node Selection (GetNodes)
Get the selection of nodes in a saved set


Get Build-Up (GetBuildUp)
Retrieve an existing Panel Build-Up by name.
Create Build-Up (BuildUp)
Create a new single-layer panel build-up family


Create Material (Material)
Create a new material
Get All Materials (GetMaterials)
Retrieve all materials in the current model


Geometric Properties (Geo)
Calculate the geometric properties of a profile

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Salamander and associated data © 2024 Paul Jeffries.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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