Polygon (shrimp_polygon) Construct a ShrimpGIS Polygon. | |
Field (shrimp_field) Construct a ShrimpGIS Field. - Try to export data from other plugin, such as Ladybug and Gismo! | |
Curve (shrimp_curve) Construct a ShrimpGIS Curve. | |
Point (shrimp_point) Construct a ShrimpGIS Point. | |
Location (shrimp_location) Construct a ShrimpGIS Location. | |
Mesh (shrimp_mesh) Construct a ShrimpGIS Mesh. - If you connect complex meshes exportation will look not really perfect. |
Read Shp (shrimp_read_shp) Use this component to read shapefiles | |
Decompose Field (shrimp_dec_field) Use this component to decompose ShrimpGIS Field and extract values. | |
Write Shp (shrimp_write_shp) It writes ESRI Shapefiles WGS84. |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.
ShrimpGIS and associated data © 2024 Antonello Di Nunzio.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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