Material Name | Name | Material Name | Text |
Roughness | Rhn | Roughness [0 VeryRough,1 Rough,2 MediumRough,3 MediumSmooth,4 Smooth,5 VerySmooth] | Integer |
Material Conductivity | Con | Material Conductivity [W/(m-K)] | Number |
Material Density | Den | Material Density [kg/m3] | Number |
Material SpecificHeat | Sph | Material SpecificHeat [J/(kg-K)] | Number |
Material thermal absorptance | Tabs | Material thermal absorptance | Number |
Material solar absorptance | Sabs | Material solar absorptance | Number |
Material visible absorptance | Vabs | Material visible absorptance | Number |
Temperature steps for following inputs | T | List of doubles given in the following order:
Temperature 1 {C}
Temperature 2 {C}
Temperature 3 {C}
etc... | Number |
PhaseChange | Pc | List of doubles given in the following order:
Enthalpy 1 {J/kg}
Enthalpy 2 {J/kg}
Enthalpy 3 {J/kg}
etc... | Number |
VariableThermalConductivity | Vtc | List of doubles given in the following order:
Thermal Conductivity 1 {W/m-K}
Thermal Conductivity 2 {W/m-K}
Thermal Conductivity 3 {W/m-K}
etc... | Number |