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0. Utilities
1. Load-conversions
1. Project
2. CreateProject
3. Project utilities
4. Analytical Templates
5. IDEA Templates
6. IDEA Connection
6. IDEA utilities
7. Cost calculation

Create Project

Exporting selected joint to IDEA Statica Connection


HierarchyHierarchyList of hierarchy on with joints are madeText
PointsPointsPoints of connectionsPoint
JointnamesJointnamesOptional by the user-defined name for every joint. List must be equal to list of PointsText
LinesLinesLines of geometryLine
LCS rotations [Deg]LCS rotationsLocal Coordinate System rotation of element in Degrees. Rotation runs from local y to local z-axisNumber
Eccentricity vectorEccentricity vectorEccentricities defined by local x, y and z coordinateVector
GroupnamesGroupnamesGroupname of elementText
MembernamesMembernamesOptional by the user defined names for every member. List must be equal to the number of membersText
MaterialsMaterialsSteel grade of every elementText
Cross-section namesCroSecNamesNames of cross-sectionsText
ShapesShapesShape of of cross-sectionsText
HeightHeightsHeigth of crosssections [mm]Number
WidthWidthsWidth of crosssections [mm]Number
Thickness FlangesTFlangesFlange thickness of crosssections [mm]Number
Thickness WebsTWebsWeb thickness of crosssections [mm]Number
RadiusFRadsRadius of crosssections [mm]Number
Load-case namesLoadCaseNamesNames of load-cases. List must be equal to the number of loadcases present in the internal forcesText
NNNormal force [kN]Number
VzVzShear force z-direction[kN]Number
VyVyShear force y-direction[kN]Number
MtMtTorsional force[kNm]Number
MyMyMoment force y-direction[kN]Number
MzMzMoment force z-direction[kN]Number


ProjectProjectProject object of KarambaIdeaCoreGeneric

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