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01 | Core
02 | Virtual Robot
03 | Virtual Tool
04 | Toolpath Utilities
05 | Utilities


ADDON. Version 1.1.0. Released on 2019. Provides 56 components. Created by Johannes Braumann (Robots in Architecture). Features 12 video tutorials.
KUKA|prc enables you to program industrial robots directly out of the parametric modelling environment, including a full kinematic simulation of the robot. The generated files can be executed at the KUKA robot, without requiring any additional software. The free evaluation version allows the full simulation and code generation without. Additional features such as support for SunriseOS, external axes, G-Code import etc. are only available to members of the Association for Robots in Architecture.

02 | Virtual Robot

Cybertech KR22 R1610 Robot (KR22 R1610)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech KR22 R1610 robot.
Quantec KR90-KR120 R2900 Robot (KR90-KR120 R2900)
Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2900mm reach, such as KR90 R2900, KR120 R2900.
Fortec KR480 R3330 MT Robot (KR480 R3330)
Kinematic robot model for the Fortec KR480 R3330 MT robot.
Cybertech nano KR10 R1420 Robot (KR10 R1420)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech nano KR10 R1420 robot.
Quantec KR120 R3900K Robot (KR120 R3900K)
Kinematic robot model for the shelf-mounted KUKA KR120 R3900K robot.
KR200 comp Robot (KR200 comp)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR200 comp robot.
Agilus KR6-10 R1100-2 Robot (KR6-10 R1100-2)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100-2 robot.
Agilus KR6-10 R900 Robot (KR6-10 R900)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R900 robot.
Quantec KR90-KR270 R2500 Robot (KR90-KR270 R2500)
Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2500mm reach, such as KR90 R2500, KR120 R2500, KR150 R2500, KR210 R2500, KR270 R2500.
Quantec KR90-KR270 R2700 Robot (KR90-KR270 R2700)
Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2700mm reach, such as KR90 R2700, KR120 R2700, KR150 R2700, KR210 R2700, KR270 R2700.
Quantec KR90-KR270 R3100 Robot (KR90-KR270 R3100)
Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 3100mm reach, such as KR90 R3100, KR120 R3100, KR150 R3100, KR210 R3100, KR270 R3100.
KR150-240 - 2 L130/210 Robot (KR150-240 L130-210)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA R150-2 L130, KR180-2 L150, KR210-2 L180 and KR240-2 L210 robot variants.
KR5 arc HW Robot (KR5 arc HW)
Kinematic robot model for the KR5 arc HW robot.
KR30/60/HA Robot (KR30-60)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR30, KR60, and HA variants.
KR6/16/20-3 Robot (KR6-16-20)
Kinematic robot model for the robot models KR6, KR16, and KR20-3.
Quantec KR90-KR150 R3700K Robot (KR90-KR150 R3700K)
Kinematic robot model for shelf-mounted KUKA Quantec robots with 3700mm reach, such as KR90 R3700K, KR150 R3700K.
Agilus KR6-10 R1100 Robot (KR6-10 R1100)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100 robot.
Fortec KR600 R2830 Robot (KR600 R2830)
Kinematic robot model for the Fortec KR600 R2830 robot.
KR125/2-200/2 Robot (KR125-200)
Kinematic robot model for the for KUKA KR125/2, KR150/2, KR200/2 variants.
KR1000 Titan Robot (KR1000)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR1000 Titan robot.
KR150-240 - 2 L110/180 Robot (KR150-240 L110-180)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KUKA KR150-2 L110, KR180-2 L130, KR210-2 L150 and KR240-2 L180 robot variants.
Agilus KR6 R700 Robot (KR6 R700)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6 R700 robot.
KR6/16 Arc Robot (KR6-16 Arc)
Kinematic robot model for the KR6/16 Arc robot.
KR30L16 Robot (KR30L16)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR30L16 robot.
KR360-500-2 Robot (KR360-500-2)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR360-500-2 robot variants.
Agilus KR3 R540 Robot (KR3 R540)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR3 R540 robot.
Quantec KR120 R1800 nano Robot (KR120 R1800)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR120 R1800 nano robot.
KR150-240-2 Robot (KR150-240-2)
Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR150-2 to 240-2 robot variants.

05 | Utilities

Digital Output (DIGITAL OUT)
Changes the state of a digital output.
3 Points to Plane (3PTS TO PLN)
Turns a set of three points into a plane, to be used in a KUKA|prc movement command
Group/Ungroup Commands (GROUP)
Groups and ungroups commands.
Wait For Digital Input (WAIT FOR)
Stops the robot until a digital input is triggered.
Wait (WAIT)
Stops the robot for a time provided in seconds.
Command Weaver (CMD WEAVE)
This component will weave together KUKA|prc commands
Analog Output (ANALOG OUT)
Changes the state of an analogue output.
Frame (FRAME)
Defines a frame, used e.g. for setting the base system without going through the GUI.

01 | Core

The KRL Code component will take the provided text and write it at the according position into the KRL file
SPLine Movement (SPL MOVE)
Robot path interpolated as a spline through a list of planes. The robot will move along the smooth spline.
Robot movement defined through axis values. The robot will move to the given axis position in the most efficient manner.
PTP Movement (PTP MOVE)
Robot target defined through a plane. The robot will in the most efficient manner to the provided plane.
CIRcular Movement (CIR MOVE)
Robot movement defined through an arc. The robot will move along the arc.
KUKA|prc CORE (KUKA|prc)
KUKA|prc core component containing all core functionality such as simulation and code generation
LINear Movement (LIN MOVE)
Robot target defined through a plane. The robot will move in a straight line to the provided plane.

03 | Virtual Tool

Change Tool (CHANGE TOOL)
Changes the currently used tool at the robot. This component will not e.g. intialize a physical toolchange, but instructs the robot to use a different tool number.
Generic Spindle (SPINDLE)
Tool definition of the standard KUKA spindle by HSD.
Multi-State Tool (MS TOOL)
Creates a tool with multiple states, e.g. open and closed gripper. Will take XYZABC values from first tool.
Custom Tool: Plane (CUSTOM TOOL: PLN)
Custom tool defined by a mesh and the tool frame. Either set the tool number and plane (with the plane's Z-vector defining the tool axis) or right-click and switch to direct frame input.
Elte Spindle (ELTE)
Tool definition of the Elte spindle with custom mount as used at the University for Applied Arts (www.roboticwoodcraft.com).
Kress 1050 Spindle (KRESS SPINDLE)
Tool definition of a Kress 1050 compact milling spindle with custom mount.
Custom Tool (CUSTOM TOOL)
Defines a custom tool

04 | Toolpath Utilities

Safe Plane (SAFE PLANE)
Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The origin of the LINear movement will be projected onto a plane.
Tangential Offset (TANGENTIAL OFFSET)
Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset tangentially, e.g. to start a toolpath outside of the material.
Reduce Toolpath (REDUCE PATH)
Reduces a list of LINear movements, similar to 'Reduce Polyline' but also respecting the changing angle values. Only input LINear movements.
Tool Axis Offset (TOOL AXIS OFFSET)
Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset along the tool axis, e.g. for approach movements.
Cartesian Offset (CARTESIAN OFFSET)
Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset according to the cartesian XYZ values.
Orient Plane (ORIENT PLN)
Orients the -X axis of a plane to a given point.

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   KUKA Prc and associated data © 2024 Johannes Braumann (Robots in Architecture).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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