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00 | Honeybee
01 | Daylight | Material
02 | Daylight | Light Source
03 | Daylight | Recipes
04 | Daylight | Daylight
05 | Energy | Building Program
06 | Energy | Material | Construction
07 | Energy | Schedule
08 | Energy | Set Zone Properties
09 | Energy | HVACSystems
10 | Energy | Energy
11 | THERM
12 | Developers
13 | WIP

Create CSV Schedule

Use this component to write custom .csv schedules for EnergyPlus using a list of numbers that you have in grasshopper. This can be used to make custom infiltration shcedules based on indoor thermal comdort (to mimic opening of windows), shading transparency shedules based on glare or thermal comfort, etc.


Values_valuesThe values to be written into the .csv schedule.Goo
Unitsunits_Text for the units of the input values above. The default is "Dimensionless" for a fractional schedule. Possible inputs include "Dimensionless", "Temperature", "DeltaTemperature", "PrecipitationRate", "Angle", "ConvectionCoefficient", "ActivityLevel", "Velocity", "Capacity", "Power", "Availability", "Percent", "Control", and "Mode".Goo
Analysis PeriodanalysisPeriod_If your input units do not represent a full year, use this input to specify the period of the year that the schedule applies to.Goo
Schedule Name_scheduleNameInput a name for your schedule here. The default is "unnamedSchedule".Goo
Write File_writeFileSet to "True" to generate the .csv schedule.Goo


Csv SchedulecsvScheduleThe file path of the created .csv schedule. Plug this into the "Honeybee_Set EnergyPlus Zone Schedules" to apply the schedule to a zone.Goo

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Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Honeybee and associated data © 2024 Ladybug Tools.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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