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IES Luminaire Zone

This component is to be used for specifying the location of luminaires for electric lighting simulations.
For external lighting applications the best option would be to use the aimingPoint_ option to specify where all the luminaires should be aimed to.
In case luminaires are being aimed by specifying spin, tilt and orientation angles, the following conventions apply:
1. _spin_ : specifies the rotation of a luminaire about its G0 axis.
2. _tilt_: species the rotation of a luminaire around the Y axis.
3. _orientation_: specifies the rotation of a luminaire around the Z axis.
The recommended sequence of applying rotations is tilt,orientation and spin.
The aiming conventions followed in this component are based on the IES LM-63-2002 and were tested against indoor lighting simulations with AGI32 software.


Pts List_ptsListList of points/3d coordinates where the luminaires are to be located.Goo
Spin_spin_A number represeting the luminaire spin angle in degrees. This can also be a list of spin angles that match the _ptsList.Goo
Tilt_tilt_A number represeting the luminaire tilt angle in degrees. This can also be a list of tilt angles that match the _ptsList.Goo
Orientation_orientation_A number represeting the luminaire rotation angle in degrees. This can also be a list of orientation angles that match the _ptsList.Goo
Aiming PointaimingPoint_A point represeting the location at which the photometric axis of the luminaires should be aimed. This can also be a list of points that match the _ptsList.Goo
Custom LampcustomLamp_A custom lamp definition from the "Honeybee_IES Custom Lamp" component.Goo


OutreadMe!The execution information, as output and error streamsString
Luminaire ZoneluminaireZoneList of coordinates and rotation angles for luminairesGoo

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