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00 | Honeybee
01 | Daylight | Material
02 | Daylight | Light Source
03 | Daylight | Recipes
04 | Daylight | Daylight
05 | Energy | Building Program
06 | Energy | Material | Construction
07 | Energy | Schedule
08 | Energy | Set Zone Properties
09 | Energy | HVACSystems
10 | Energy | Energy
11 | THERM
12 | Developers
13 | WIP

Label Zones

Use this component to lablel zones with their names in the Rhino scene. This can help ensure that the correct names are assigned to each zone and can help keep track of zones and zone data throughout analysis.


HBZones_HBZonesThe HBZones out of any of the HB components that generate or alter zones. Note that these should ideally be the zones that are fed into the Run Energy Simulation component. Zones read back into Grasshopper from the Import idf component will not align correctly with the EP Result data.Goo
Attributeattribute_A text string for the zone attribute that you are interested in lableing the zones with. Possible inputs include "name", "zoneProgram", "isConditioned" or any other Honeybee attribute. Use the "Honeybee_Zone Attribute List" to see all possibilities.Goo
Text HeighttextHeight_An optional number for text height in Rhino model units that can be used to change the size of the label text in the Rhino scene. The default is set based on the dimensions of the zones.Goo
Fontfont_An optional number that can be used to change the font of the label in the Rhino scene. The default is set to "Verdana".Goo


Zone Txt LabelszoneTxtLabelsThe label names of each of the connected zones. Connect this ouput and the one bleow to a Grasshopper "TexTag3D" component to make your own lables.Goo
Label Base PtslabelBasePtsThe basepoint of the text labels. Use this along with the ouput above and a Grasshopper "TexTag3D" component to make your own lables.Goo
Brep Txt LabelsbrepTxtLabelsA set of surfaces indicating the names of each zone as they correspond to the branches in the EP results and the name of the zone in the headers of data.Goo
Zone Wire FrameszoneWireFramesScript variable PythonGoo

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Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Honeybee and associated data © 2024 Ladybug Tools.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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