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3.Cross Section

Modify Cross Section

Modifies all types of cross sections.


CroSecCroSecCross section to modify on the fly or no input if modification shall take place in the model based on the name of the cross section.CrossSection
Type name of cross sectionNameThe Type name serves to identify a cross section uniquely upon selection from a cross section table.Text
Family name of cross sectionFamilyFamily name of cross section: defines a group of cross sections for cross section optimization.Text
Element identifiersElem-IdsList of identifier of elements to attach cross section to.Text
ColorColorColor of the cross section.Colour
MaterialMaterialMaterial to be used for the cross section. Overrules the material definition supplied at the Assemble-component. If nothing is given the material will not be affected.Material
Local eccentricity [cm]EcceLocVector of eccentricity in [cm] with respect to beam axis in local beam coordinates.Vector
Height [cm]HeightHeight [cm] of the cross-section if >0. Number
Thickness [cm]ThickWall-thickness [cm] of the cross-section if >0. Number
Area [cm2]ACross section area [cm2] if >0.Number
AreaY [cm2]AyEquivalent shear area [cm2] for shear in local Y-direction if >0.Number
AreaZ [cm2]AzEquivalent shear area [cm2] for shear in local Z-direction if >0.Number
Iyy [cm4]IyyMoment of inertia [cm4] about the local Y-axis if >0.Number
Izz [cm4]IzzMoment of inertia [cm4] about the local Z-axis if >0.Number
Ipp [cm4]IppPrimary or St. Venant torsional moment of inertia [cm4] about the local X-axis if >0.Number
Cw [cm6]CwWarping torsional constant [cm6] if >0.Number
Wely+ [cm3]Wely+Elastic resistance moment [cm3] about the local Y-axis for the extreme point on the positive local Z-axis if >0.Number
Wely- [cm3]Wely-Elastic resistance moment [cm3] about the local Y-axis for the extreme point on the negative local Z-axis if >0.Number
Wply [cm3]WplyPlastic resistance moment [cm3] about the local Y-axis if >0.Number
Welz+ [cm3]Welz+Elastic resistance moment [cm3] about the local Z-axis for the extreme point on the positive local Y-axis if >0.Number
Welz- [cm3]Welz-Elastic resistance moment [cm3] about the local Z-axis for the extreme point on the negative local Y-axis if >0.Number
Wplz [cm3]WplzPlastic resistance moment [cm3] about the local Z-axis if >0.Number
Wt [cm3]WtMinimum torsional resistance moment [cm3] if >0.Number
alphaYalphaYBuckling coefficient about local Y-axis according to EC3 if >0.Number
alphaZalphaZBuckling coefficient about local Z-axis according to EC3 if >0.Number
alphaLTalphaLTCoefficient for lateral torsional buckling according to EC3 if >0.Number
lg[cm]lgDistance of transverse load [cm] from the center of shear of the cross section. Is positive if the load points towards the shear center and acts destabilizing for lateral torsional buckling.Number


Cross sectionCroSecModified cross section or cross section modifier.CrossSection

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