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3.Cross Section

Shell View (Karamba3D_PUI)

Lets you inspect the current state of the shells in a model. Plug it into the definition after a ModelView-component so that you can fine-tune the model display with it.


ModelModelModel to be displayedModel
Index of LayerLayerIndIndex of the layer to be displayed. '0' is the default.Integer
Local AxesLocAxesScales the local layer's element coordinate system symbols. Red/Green/Blue corresponds to local X-, Y-, and Z-axis.Boolean
Local Axes ScaleLocAxes ScaleValue range 0-5 is a good start. Default = 1Number
Response PropertiesResPropsSelect the response properties to be displayed: -1 - None; 0 - Cross Section; 1 - Thickness; 2 - Utilization; 3 - Displacement; 4 - Princ. Stress 1; 5 - Princ. Stress 2; 6 - Equivalent StressInteger
Layer Position of ResultsLayerPosResSet the position within the current layer on which results are calculated. A value of + 1 corresponds to the upper, -1 to the lower surface of the current layer.Number
Princ. Stress 1-2Princ. Stress 1-2Scales the vector display of principal stresses in the element centers. Use the 'Result Threshold' slider in the 'Display Scales'-menu of the ModelView to thin them out if necessary.Boolean
Princ. Stress 1-2 scalePrinc. Stress 1-2 scaleValue range 0-5 is a good start. Default = 1Number


ModelModelStructural modelModel
Meshes of rendered shellsMeshMesh of rendered structure: one mesh per shell or beam to keep the list order. The placeholder meshes for beams are 'Null Meshes'. The exception is the display of shell cross sections: here beams are not included and there are two meshes per shell (top- and bottom-fiber).Mesh
Legend colorsLegend CColors of legendColour
Legend tagsLegend TTags of legendText

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