Get Layer By Selection (GetLayer) Gets the currently selected layers in Rhino. | |
Find Layer By Name (FindLayerByName) Get layer information by layer name. | |
Set Layer Property (SetLayer) Set the properties of the layer. | |
Bake Block Bake block to the document with the specified attributes. | |
Transform Rhino Object (Transform RhinoObject) Transform an Rhinoobject. | |
Get Guid By Selection (GetGuid) Gets the currently selected objects in Rhino. | |
Explode Block Get information about block object. | |
Explode Dot Get information about textdot object. | |
Get Layer Objects (Layer Object) Get objects by layer name. | |
Get Layer Name (Layer Name) Get the layer name in the active document or get the layer name of the Rhino file. | |
Explode Text Get information about text object. | |
Lock Guid Lock objects by Guid. | |
Hide Guid Hide objects by Guid. | |
Delete Guid Delete objects by Guid. | |
Save Guid Save Guid.It is convenient for us to select, hide, and delete the named Guid in the future. | |
Select Guid Select objects by Guid. | |
Object Type Filters (filters) This component is ObjectTypeFilters. |
Curve Deviation (CrvDeviation) Computes the distances between two arbitrary curves that overlap. | |
Curve To Poly Line (CurveToPolyLine) Fit curve to polyline within specified tolerance. | |
Curve Offset Direction Shows the offset direction of the curve. | |
Is Clockwise (IsClockwise) Test whether the direction of the curve is clockwise.Only works with simple (no self intersections). | |
Offset on Srf Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance. | |
Offset Curve Offset a curve with a specified distance. | |
Poly Line Curve Angle (Angle) Get the angle of a polyline. | |
Curve Min Bounding Box (Curve MinBoundingBox) Get the minimum bounding rectangle of the planar curve. | |
Extend Crv On Srf (ExtendCrvOnSrf) Extends a curve on a surface. | |
Fillet Corners (Fillet) Fillet the sharp corners of a curve. | |
Split Curves Split a intersecting curves into curve segments. | |
Line Create a line between two points.(You can create line on both sides) | |
Polygon Create a circumscribed polygon with optional round edges. | |
Line SDL (Line) Create a line segment defined by location point, tangent,start length and end length. |
Boolean Split (BooleanSplit) Boolean split a brep . | |
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep) Offsets a Brep. | |
Offset Normal To Surface (OffsetNormalToSurface) Offset the curve in the direction of the surface normal. | |
Shrink Trimmed Srf To Edge (ShrinkSrf) Shrinks the trimmed surface to the trimming boundaries. | |
Extract Render Mesh (ExtractRenderMesh) Copies the render mesh to create a separate mesh object. | |
Surface Extrusion Create extrusion by extruding a planar surface. | |
Surface Type (SurfaceType) Tests a surface to see if it is planar surface、single curved surface, double curved surface to a givens tolerance. | |
Box Extrusion Gets an extrusion from a box. | |
Curve Extrusion Create extrusion by extruding a planar curve. | |
Cylinder Extrusion (Cylinder) Create a cylinder. | |
Tube Extrusion (Tube) Create a tube. |
Get Rhino Object Grips (GetRhinoObjectGrips) Get the control points of the object(For example:Light). | |
Aligned Dimension Object (AlignDim Object) Create a distance annotation object between two points. | |
Explode Clipping Plane (Explode ClippingPlane) Get information about clipping plane. | |
Move Clipping Plane (Move ClippingPlane) Transform an ClippingPlane. | |
Text Object (TextObject) Create text object. | |
Add Geometrys (AddGeometrys) Plant a Vray proxy tree (Multiple tree species). | |
Add Geometry (AddGeometry) Plant a Vray proxy tree (a tree species). | |
Geometry Location Find location point of the geometry. |
Find Components By Name (FindComponents By Name) Get components by name. | |
Set Components Property (SetComponentsProperty) Set the properties of the components. | |
Find Components By Selection (FindComponents) Gets the currently selected components in Grasshopper. | |
Delete Dup Geometry (DeleteDupGeometry) Remove duplicate geometrys. | |
Bifocals Plus (BifocalsPlus) Enhancements to the Bifocals plugin. | |
Component Info Get information about a selected components. | |
Delete Dup Curve (DeleteDupCurve) Remove duplicate curves. | |
Delete Dup Data (DeleteDupData) Remove duplicate data. |
Set Pt XYZ (SetPt XYZ) Change the XYZ coordinates of a point. | |
Is Parallel (IsParallel) Determines whether this vector is parallel to another vector, within a provided tolerance. | |
Vector Angle Compute the angle from vector1(v1) to vector(v2). | |
Populate 2C (Populate_2C) Populate a two planar curve region with points . | |
Sort Point List (SortPoints) Sort points along a "reasonable polyline". |
Pick Chinese Select Chinese characters in the string. | |
Pick English Select English characters in the string. | |
Pick Number Select the number in the string. | |
Is Number Check whether a string is a number. |
List Statistics Get some statistics regarding a data list. | |
Random Partition List (Partition List) According to the ratio random partition a list into sub-lists. | |
Random Int (Random_Int) Generate a list of pseudo random integers or doubles. | |
List Slice Use list slice to get a part of the list.Same as python list slice [start:end:step]. |
Camera Plane Get the working plane facing the camera. | |
Geometry Face To Camera (GeometryFaceToCamera) Rhino objects follow the camera rotation. | |
Text Tag Camera Draw the text tag on the camera plane. |
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