Map Profile (ggMP) Map a profile to an IFC profile | |
gg Strand7to Karamba (ggStrand7toKaramba) Import Strand7 model into Karamba | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Stream Bake (ggSB) Stream Bake | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Create Elastic Isotropic Material (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Decompose Frame Prop (ggDFP) Decompose Frame Property | |
Beam Release (R) Beam Release | |
Find Section Prop (ggFSP) Find Structural Section Property | |
Node Restraint (ggNR) Create NodeRestraint | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Existing Model, WARNING WORK IN PROGRESS NOT ALL FIELDS BEING POPULATED | |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Decompose Beam (ggBeam) Decompose Structural Beam Element | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Create Axis (ggAxis) Create Structural Axis | |
Function Table (ggFTU) Create a User Defined Function Table for a given Table Type from a list of X (Item 1) and Y (Item 2) Values | |
Create Or Find Node (ggNode) Locate Existing or Create Structural Node | |
Node Support (ggNS) Create Node Support | |
Create Connection Prop (ggCP) Create Structural Connection Property | |
Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam | |
Beam Atts (ggBA) Create Beam Attributes | |
Beam Support (ggBS) Create Beam Support | |
Create Prop Plate (ggPSP) Create Plate Shell Property | |
Create Prop Plate Shell (ggPSP) Create Plate Shell Property | |
Create Prop Plate Patch (ggPSP) Create Plate Shell Property | |
Create Finite Element (ggFE) Create Structural Finite Element from points | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Section Property | |
Create Truss Prop (ggTP) Create Truss Property | |
Create Cut Off Prop (ggCOP) Create CutOff Property | |
Create Cable Prop (ggCP) Create Cable Property | |
Create Spring Damper Prop (ggSDP) Create Spring Damper Property | |
Create Section Prop Explicit (ggESP) Create explicit section property | |
Create Stage (ggStage) Create Stage | |
Create Link (ggLink) Create pinned or rigid link contraint between 2 nodes | |
Create Link Master Slave (ggLinkMS) Create a master slave link contraint between 2 nodes | |
Create Link Master Slave MP (ggLinkMSMP) Create a master slave link contraint between mulitple points, Strand7 R3 or newer |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Crv Temp (ggLCT) Create Temperature Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Face Point (ggLFT) Create Point Load for Area Elements | |
Load Crv Prestress (ggCP) Create Prestress Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Strain (ggCS) Create Strain Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Load Case Gravity (ggLCG) Create gravity load case | |
Load Case Seismic (ggLCG) Create gravity load case | |
Load Area Pressure (ggFL) Create Uniform Pressure for Area Elements | |
Load Area Face (ggFL) Create Uniform Pressure for Area Elements | |
Load Plate Patch Type (ggPP) Create Plate Patch Type for Plate Elements | |
Load Node Non Str Mass (ggNLNSM) Create Non Structural Mass for Nodes | |
Load Beam Non Str Mass (ggBNSMass) Create Beam Non Structural Mass | |
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Patch (ggCP) Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Plate Non Str Mass (ggPLNSM) Create Non Structural Mass for Plate Elements | |
Spectral Direction Vector (ggSDV) Create Spectral Direction Vector for Spectral Analysis | |
Spectral Load Factor (ggSLF) Create Spectral Load Factors for Spectral Analysis |
Query (ggQ) This component will extract results from an existing STRAND7 Result File ( | |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result |
gg Karamba To Strand7 (ggKarambaStrand7) Export Karamba model to Strand7 | |
gg Strand7Fileto Karamba (ggStrand7toKaramba) Import Strand7 model into Karamba from file |
Mesh Breps (ggMBS) Mesh Breps in Strand7 |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
GeomGym Strand and associated data © 2024 Geometry Gym Pty Ltd.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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