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0 | Generate
1 | Patterns
2 | Util


ADDON. Version 0.3. Released on 2020-Jun-12. Provides 18 components. Created by Michael Weizmann. Features 0 video tutorials.
Starfish that allows parametric generation of various patterns. It focuses on 2d tessellations that can be used to create structural systems based on topological interlocking principle.

2 | Util

Close Curve (CC)
Close open curves
Get Directions (GetDir)
This component will generate a list of faces' directions for polylines that weren't created with Starfish 'Tessellation' component.
Line Mid Pt (LnMid)
Create a line from midpoint and vector
Map2d To Surface (2dToSrf)
Maps 2D curves onto a surface.
Offset Curve (OffsetCrv)
Offset curves
Set Graph Domain (GraphDomain)
Sets X and Y domains of Graph Mapper
This component allows adding custom sketch objects to the GH canvas
Dual Preview (DualPrev)
Custom preview for brep surfaces and wireframe

0 | Generate

Use this component to generate a two-dimensional pattern using vertex configuration input.
Sharp Block (SharpBlock)
Use this component to generate structural units based on topological interlocking principle.
Use this component to generate Topological Interlocking blocks along a surface.
TI Block2 (TI_Block2)
Use this component to generate structural units based on topological interlocking principle.
Curved Block (CrvdBlock)
Use this component to generate curved structural units based on topological interlocking principle.
Custom TIBlock (CustomTI)
Use this component to generate a TI structure based on a custom edge curve.

1 | Patterns

Use this component to generate a maze-like pattern.
Use this component to generate a maze pattern.
Custom Pattern (CustomPtrn)
Use this component to create a pattern based on a custom edge curve
Use this component to generate a polyline spiral from curves.

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