Close Curve (CC) Close open curves | |
Get Directions (GetDir) This component will generate a list of faces' directions for polylines that weren't created with Starfish 'Tessellation' component. | |
Line Mid Pt (LnMid) Create a line from midpoint and vector | |
Map2d To Surface (2dToSrf) Maps 2D curves onto a surface. | |
Offset Curve (OffsetCrv) Offset curves | |
Set Graph Domain (GraphDomain) Sets X and Y domains of Graph Mapper | |
Sketch This component allows adding custom sketch objects to the GH canvas | |
Dual Preview (DualPrev) Custom preview for brep surfaces and wireframe |
Tessellation Use this component to generate a two-dimensional pattern using vertex configuration input. | |
Sharp Block (SharpBlock) Use this component to generate structural units based on topological interlocking principle. | |
TISrf Use this component to generate Topological Interlocking blocks along a surface. | |
TI Block2 (TI_Block2) Use this component to generate structural units based on topological interlocking principle. | |
Curved Block (CrvdBlock) Use this component to generate curved structural units based on topological interlocking principle. | |
Custom TIBlock (CustomTI) Use this component to generate a TI structure based on a custom edge curve. |
Maze Use this component to generate a maze-like pattern. | |
Ornament Use this component to generate a maze pattern. | |
Custom Pattern (CustomPtrn) Use this component to create a pattern based on a custom edge curve | |
Tunnel Use this component to generate a polyline spiral from curves. |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Starfish and associated data © 2024 Michael Weizmann.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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