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0 | Generate
1 | Patterns
2 | Util


Use this component to generate a two-dimensional pattern using vertex configuration input.


Pattern definitionPTSingle line of numbers representing the number of edges for each polygon, separated with a dot. Default = '8.4'Text
Pattern anglesPAOptional input of inner angles for each polygon. Each line should contain values for each vertex of a polygon, separated with a dot. Number of lines should be equal to the number of input shapes. If ommited, regular polygons will be generated.Text
Edge lengthSLength of polygons' edges. Default = 10Number
Iterations numberiNumber of code iterations. Default = 10Integer


LoglogComponent logText
Starfish CurvesSCList of resulting polylinesCurve
PatternPIndication of initial face tilt direction for each polygon. Used in Starfish_Generate_Solids component.Integer
Boundary curveBOutline curve of the patternCurve

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