Name | ID | Description | Type |
Geometry | G | Base geometry | Geometry |
Axis | X | Taper axis | Line |
Start | R0 | Radius at start of taper axis | Number |
End | R1 | Radius at end of taper axis | Number |
Flat | F | If true, then a one-directional, one-dimensional taper is created. | Boolean |
Infinite | I | If true, the deformation happens throughout the geometry, even if the axis is shorter. If false, the deformation takes place only the length of the axis. | Boolean |
Rigid | R | Geometry will not be deformed as it is transformed | Boolean |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Geometry | G | Morphed geometry | Geometry |
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Grasshopper Transform and associated data © 2024 Robert McNeel & Associates.
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