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UI Containers
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UI Output

Create Grid

Create a container with absolutely positioned elements.
Their input order determines their Z order - set the margins
with the "Adjust Element Positioning" component to locate
elements inside the grid.
Use column and row definitions to create more advanced grids.


UI ElementsEThe UI elements to place in the gridGeneric Data
WidthWThe width of the gridNumber
HeightHThe height of the gridNumber
Row DefinitionsRDAn optional list of Row Heights. Use numbers for absolute sizes and numbers with * for ratios (like 1* and 2* for a 1/3 2/3 split)Text
Column DefinitionsCDAn optional list of Column Widths. Use numbers for absolute sizes and numbers with * for ratios (like 1* and 2* for a 1/3 2/3 split)Text
Element RowERThe rows to place the elements in, counting from 0 at the top.Integer
Element ColumnECThe columns to place the elements in, counting from 0 at the left.Integer
Element Row SpanERSHow many rows each element should span. This will be 1 by default.Integer
Element Column SpanECSHow many columns each element should span. This will be 1 by default.Integer


GridSThe combined group of elementsGeneric Data

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Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Human UI and associated data © 2024 Andrew Heumann.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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