Name | ID | Description | Type |
Write Toggle | Write | Set to 'True' to write CSV file | Boolean |
FolderPath | Path | Path to folder | Text |
CsvFileName | File | Name of CSV File to be created | Text |
RevitFamilyName | Family | Revit Beam Family Name | Text |
RevitTypeName | Type | Revit Beam Type Name | Text |
Points | Points | A Tree of Placement Points for Beams | Point |
Rotations | Rotate | A List of Rotation Values for Beam Instances | Number |
ParameterNames | Params | A List of Parameter Names to Set for Each Beam | Text |
ParameterValues | Values | A Tree of Parameter Values for Beam Instances | Text |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Output | out | Output Messages | Text |
Data | data | Instruction Data | Text |
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Hummingbird and associated data © 2024 Mario Guttman.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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