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0 | Rhino to SmartMesh
1 | Smart Modifiers
2 | SmartAnalyse
3 | SmartMesh to Rhino


Clusters a set of panels or nodes


SmartMeshSMeshInput a SmartMesh to clusterAny
Number of ClusterNThe number of clusters wanted. Use this or the tolerance to define what you want to set as the cluster factorInteger
ToleranceTolMaximum corner deviance for the panelsNumber
----Not in use for panel clusteringNumber


SmartMeshSMeshThe Clustered MeshAny
LinesLinesThe outlines of the clustered panelsLine
γ-OrientationγdirThe orientation of the rotation angle of the nodeLine
BrepBrepThe Breps representing the clustered panelsBrep
ClusterClusterThe cluster the corresponding panel belong toInteger
ΔαΔαThe angle deviance between the new node/panel and the original in the normal plane of the node/panelNumber
ΔβΔβThe angle deviance between the new node/panel and the original int the plane perpendicular to the normal plane of the node/panelNumber
ΔγΔγThe rotation of the bars of the node around their own axisNumber

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