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0. Parameters
1. Frame
2. Connection
4. Results


ADDON. Version Released on 21-Dec-2023. Provides 31 components. Created by João Pini, Márcio Sartorelli, Renan Prandini. Features 0 video tutorials.
Beaver is a tool that allows timber engineering procedures to be executed in computational design workflows. The tool was developed following the “Eurocode5 - Design of Timber Structures” for verifying frame cross-sections, deformations and design of fastener-type timber connections. Also, Beaver is now fully integrated to Karamba3D.

2. Connection

Fastener (Fast)
Creates Beaver fastener element for assembly into a Beaver connection element
Assembles a cross screws connection based on two timber frame elements and an angle
Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis
Axial Connection Spacings (Spacings)
Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis. It will also tell you whether the spacings satisfy the requirements.
Timber to Steel Connection (T2S)
Assembles a timber to steel Beaver connection
Timber to Timber Connection (T2T)
Assembles a timber to timber connection
Shear Connection Spacings (Spacings)
Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis

1. Frame

Displamcements (Disp)
Creates a displacement object for assigning it to a TimberFrame Point
Creates a force object for assigning it to a TimberFrame Point
TimberFramePoint (FramePoint)
Definition of a single timber frame point
CrossSection (CS)
Computes a Beaver Crossection
Material (BMat)
Creates a Beaver Material with properties needed to ULS checks
Definition of a Timber Frame element

4. Results

This component will get a TimberFramePoint and optimize its CrossSection to meet a target utilization factor using ULS verifications
Decomposes a fastener into its calculated properties. This is useful for checking calculated values in a connection or double-checking parameters
This component will take a TimberFramePoint and calculate its ultimate limit capacity.
TimberFrameView (timberFrameView)
This component will calculate your model and display the results according to the selected Utype input.
ViewNumericResults (NumericResults)
Displays numerical results on timber frame
VisualizeCriticalCheck (CriticalCheck)
Displays the critical utilization of the timber frames based in colors

0. Parameters

Fastener Spacing
T2SCapacity (SConnection)
T2TCapacity (SConnection)
Cross Section (CroSec)
Timber Cross Section
Nodal Displacement
ConnectionAxial (SConnection)


KarambaToBeaver (K2B)
Retrieves TimberFrames from Karamba beams
BeaverToKarambaMaterial (B2Kmat)
Converts a Beaver Material into a Karamba Material
Karamba add beaver parameters (B2KBeams)
Adds Beaver parameters to a Karamba Beam Element for performing ULS and SLS checks in Beaver
ImportCSVMaterials (ImportCSVMat)
Imports a


GetBeaverLicense (Beaver)
Calls GetLicense using CloudZoo licenses
Sets combination values in relation to combination factors

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Beaver and associated data © 2024 João Pini, Márcio Sartorelli, Renan Prandini.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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