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0. Parameters
1. Frame
2. Connection
4. Results


Creates a Beaver Material with properties needed to ULS checks


NameNameMaterial Name. Perferably use material class e.g. C24 or GL24c. Default is set to GL24c.Text
TypeTypeInput a text with Material type according to EC5 Table 3.2. Acceptable values: Solid Timber Gluelam LVL. Default is set to Gluelam.Text
Bending ResistancefmkBending Characteristic Resistance in [MPa]. Default is set to 24 MPa.Number
Parallel Tension Resistenceft0kParallel Characteristic Tension Resistance in [MPa]. Default is set to 17 MPa.Number
Perpendicular Tension Resistenceft90kPerpendicular Characteristic Tension Resistance in [MPa]. Default is set to 0.5 MPa.Number
Palallel Compression Resistencefc0kPalallel Characteristic Compression Resistance in [MPa]. Default is set to 21.5 MPa.Number
Perpendicular Compression Resistencefc90kPerpendicular Characteristic Compression Resistance in [MPa]. Default is set to 2.5 MPa.Number
Shear ResistencefvkCharacteristic Shear Resistance in [MPa]. Default is set to 3.5 MPa.Number
Mean modulus of elasticity parallelE0meanMean modulus of elasticity parallel to grain [MPa]. Default is set to 11000 MPa.Number
5% modulus of elasticity parallelE055% modulus of elasticity parallel to grain [MPa]. Default is set to 9100 MPa.Number
Mean modulus of elasticity perpendicularE90meanMean modulus of elasticity perpendiculat to grain [MPa]. Default is set to 300 MPa.Number
Mean modulus of elasticity shearGmeanMean modulus of elasticity shear to grain [MPa]. Default is set to 650 GPa.Number
5% modulus of elasticity shearG055th-percentile modulus of elasticity shear to grain [MPa]. Default is set to 540 MPa.Number
Material CoefficientγmMaterial Coefficient. If no value is provided, Beaver will calculate it according to EC5, 2.4.1, Tab. 2.3.Number


MaterialMatBeaver Timber materialMaterial

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