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0. Parameters
1. Frame
2. Connection
4. Results


Sets combination values in relation to combination factors. See table Table A1.1 and A1.2(A) of Eurocode 0 for reference.
Please mind this may affect your other definitions as this is defined as global variable


γGγGPartial factor for permanent actionsNumber
γQγQPartial factor for other actionsNumber
phi0φ0Factor for combination value of a variable action. Inputs must follow to the following load order: P, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, S, W, XNumber
phi1φ1Factors for frequent value of a variable action. Inputs must follow to the following load order: P, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, S, W, XNumber
phi2φ2Factors for quasi-permanent value of a variable action. Inputs must follow to the following load order: P, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, S, W, XNumber
durationsdurationsFactor for quasi-permanent value of a variable action. Inputs must follow to the following load order: P, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, S, W, XText
deflectionsdeflectionsDeflection limits for SLS utilization acc. Table 7.2 EC5.1 List of numbers ( L / ) must follow to the following limit order; Beam on two supports, instantaneous Beam on two supports, final Beam on two supports, net final Cantilevering beams, instantaneous Cantilevering beams, final Cantilevering beams, net finalNumber
RunRunConnect a button component here and set it to true to apply your changesBoolean



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