Box2DCircle (Box2DCir) Generate Box2D Circle from Grasshopper Circle | |
Box2DPolygon (Box2DP) Generate Box2D Polygon from Grasshopper Closed Polyline | |
Box2DRectangle (Box2DRec) Generate Box2D Rectangle from Grasshopper Rectangle |
Box2DPreview Simulate (PreviewSimulate) Box2D Simulation Solver | |
Box2DSimulate (Simulate) Box2D Simulation Solver | |
Box2DStep Simulate (StepSimulate) Solver wich advances only when input refresed. Useful for making animation. |
Convex (Conv) Test if a polygon is convex. | |
Convex Decompose (CD) Decompose concave polygon into several smaller convex polygon. Based on Convex decomposition algorithm created by Mark Bayazit ( |
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Box2D and associated data © 2024 Mahdiyar Esmail Beigi.
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