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Grasshopper Maths

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version 1.0.0007. Released on 2022-Mar-08. Provides 102 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Negative (Neg)
Compute the negative of a value.
Absolute (Abs)
Compute the absolute of a value.
Factorial (Fac)
Returns the factorial of an integer.
Division (A/B)
Mathematical division
Integer Division (A\B)
Mathematical integer division
Addition (A+B)
Mathematical addition
Subtraction (A-B)
Mathematical subtraction
Multiplication (A×B)
Mathematical multiplication
Modulus (Mod)
Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder.
Power (Pow)
Raise a value to a power.
Mass Addition (MA)
Perform mass addition of a list of items
Mass Multiplication (MM)
Perform mass multiplication of a list of items
Relative Differences (RelDif)
Compute relative differences for a list of data
Smaller Than (Smaller)
Smaller than (or equal to)
Larger Than (Larger)
Larger than (or equal to)
Equality (Equals)
Test for (in)equality of two numbers
Similarity (Similar)
Test for similarity of two numbers
Gate And (And)
Perform boolean conjunction (AND gate).
Gate Or (Or)
Perform boolean disjunction (OR gate).
Gate Not (Not)
Perform boolean negation (NOT gate).
Gate Xor (Xor)
Perform boolean exclusive disjunction (XOR gate).
Gate Nand (Nand)
Perform boolean alternative denial (NAND gate).
Gate Nor (Nor)
Perform boolean joint denial (NOR gate).
Gate Xnor (Xnor)
Perform boolean biconditional (XNOR gate).
Gate Majority (Vote)
Calculates the majority vote among three booleans.


Smooth Numbers (Smooth)
Smooth out changing numbers over time
Restrict a number between two numeric extremes.
Returns a factor of Pi.
Golden Ratio (Phi)
Returns a factor of the golden ratio (Phi).
Epsilon (Eps)
Returns a factor of double precision floating point epsilon.
Minimum (Min)
Return the lesser of two items.
Maximum (Max)
Return the greater of two items.
Extremes (Extrz)
Find the extremes in a list of values
Round a floating point value.
Blur Numbers (NBlur)
Blur a list of numbers by averaging neighbours
Truncate (Trunc)
Perform truncation of numerical extremes
Average (Avr)
Solve the arithmetic average for a set of items
Weighted Average (Wav)
Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of items
Create Complex (Complex)
Create a complex number from a Real and an Imaginary component
Complex Components (Complex)
Extract the Real and Imaginary components from a complex number
Complex Conjugate (z*)
Create the conjugate of a Complex number
Complex Argument (Arg)
Get the argument of a Complex number
Complex Modulus (CMod)
Get the modulus of a Complex number
Interpolate data (Interp)
Interpolate a collection of data.


Sine (Sin)
Compute the sine of a value
Compute the sinc (Sinus Cardinalis) of a value.
Cosine (Cos)
Compute the cosine of a value
Tangent (Tan)
Compute the tangent of a value
ArcSine (ASin)
Compute the angle whose sine is the specified value.
ArcCosine (ACos)
Compute the angle whose cosine is the specified value.
ArcTangent (ATan)
Compute the angle whose tangent is the specified value.
Secant (Sec)
Compute the secant (reciprocal of the Cosine) of an angle.
CoSecant (Csc)
Compute the co-secant (reciprocal of the Sine) of an angle.
CoTangent (Cot)
Compute the co-tangent (reciprocal of the Tangent) of an angle.
Degrees (Deg)
Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees
Radians (Rad)
Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians
Right Trigonometry (RTrig)
Right triangle trigonometry
Triangle Trigonometry (Trig)
Generic triangle trigonometry
Circumcentre (CCentre)
Generate the triangle circumcentre from perpendicular bisectors.
Incentre (ICentre)
Generate the triangle incentre from angle bisectors.
Orthocentre (OCentre)
Generate the triangle orthocentre from altitudes.
Generate the triangle centroid from medians.


Construct Domain (Dom)
Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes.
Deconstruct Domain (DeDomain)
Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts.
Consecutive Domains (Consec)
Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers
Bounds (Bnd)
Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers.
Bounds 2D (Bnd)
Create a numeric two-dimensional domain which encompasses a list of coordinates.
Includes (Inc)
Test a numeric value to see if it is included in the domain
Remap Numbers (ReMap)
Remap numbers into a new numeric domain
Construct Domain² (Dom²)
Create a two-dimensional domain from two simple domains.
Deconstruct Domain² (DeDom2)
Deconstruct a two-dimensional domain into its component parts
Divide Domain (Div)
Divide a domain into equal segments.
Divide Domain² (Divide)
Divides a two-dimensional domain into equal segments.
Find Domain (FDom)
Find the first domain that contains a specific value


Square (Sqr)
Compute the square of a value
Square Root (Sqrt)
Compute the square root of a value
Compute the cube of a value
Cube Root (Cbrt)
Compute the cube root of a value
Logarithm (Log)
Compute the Base-10 logarithm of a value.
Natural logarithm (Ln)
Compute the natural logarithm of a value.
Power of E (Eº)
Raise E to the power of N.
Power of 2 (2º)
Raise 2 to the power of N.
Power of 10 (10º)
Raise 10 to the power of N.
One Over X (1/x)
Compute one over x.
Log N (LogN)
Return the N-base logarithm of a number.


Construct Date (Date)
Construct a date and time instance.
Construct Exotic Date (DateEx)
Construct a date using a specific calendar
Construct Time (Time)
Construct a time instance
Construct Smooth Time (SmTime)
Construct a time instance from smooth components
Deconstruct Date (DDate)
Deconstruct a date into years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds
Combine Date & Time (CDate)
Combine a pure date and a pure time into a single date
Interpolate Date (IntDate)
Interpolate between two dates or times.
Date Range (RDate)
Create a range of successive dates or times


Construct Matrix (Matrix)
Construct a matrix from initial values
Deconstruct Matrix (DeMatrix)
Deconstruct a matrix into its component parts
Invert Matrix (MInvert)
Invert a matrix
Transpose Matrix (Transpose)
Transpose a matrix (swap rows and columns)
Swap Rows (SwapR)
Swap two rows in a matrix
Swap Columns (SwapC)
Swap two columns in a matrix
Display Matrix (Matrix)
Display a matrix


Evaluate (Eval)
Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables.
Evaluate an expression

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