Negative (Neg) Compute the negative of a value. | |
Absolute (Abs) Compute the absolute of a value. | |
Factorial (Fac) Returns the factorial of an integer. | |
Division (A/B) Mathematical division | |
Integer Division (A\B) Mathematical integer division | |
Addition (A+B) Mathematical addition | |
Subtraction (A-B) Mathematical subtraction | |
Multiplication (A×B) Mathematical multiplication | |
Modulus (Mod) Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder. | |
Power (Pow) Raise a value to a power. | |
Mass Addition (MA) Perform mass addition of a list of items | |
Mass Multiplication (MM) Perform mass multiplication of a list of items | |
Relative Differences (RelDif) Compute relative differences for a list of data | |
Smaller Than (Smaller) Smaller than (or equal to) | |
Larger Than (Larger) Larger than (or equal to) | |
Equality (Equals) Test for (in)equality of two numbers | |
Similarity (Similar) Test for similarity of two numbers | |
Gate And (And) Perform boolean conjunction (AND gate). | |
Gate Or (Or) Perform boolean disjunction (OR gate). | |
Gate Not (Not) Perform boolean negation (NOT gate). | |
Gate Xor (Xor) Perform boolean exclusive disjunction (XOR gate). | |
Gate Nand (Nand) Perform boolean alternative denial (NAND gate). | |
Gate Nor (Nor) Perform boolean joint denial (NOR gate). | |
Gate Xnor (Xnor) Perform boolean biconditional (XNOR gate). | |
Gate Majority (Vote) Calculates the majority vote among three booleans. |
Smooth Numbers (Smooth) Smooth out changing numbers over time | |
Clamp Restrict a number between two numeric extremes. | |
Pi Returns a factor of Pi. | |
Golden Ratio (Phi) Returns a factor of the golden ratio (Phi). | |
Epsilon (Eps) Returns a factor of double precision floating point epsilon. | |
Minimum (Min) Return the lesser of two items. | |
Maximum (Max) Return the greater of two items. | |
Extremes (Extrz) Find the extremes in a list of values | |
Round Round a floating point value. | |
Blur Numbers (NBlur) Blur a list of numbers by averaging neighbours | |
Truncate (Trunc) Perform truncation of numerical extremes | |
Average (Avr) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of items | |
Weighted Average (Wav) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of items | |
Create Complex (Complex) Create a complex number from a Real and an Imaginary component | |
Complex Components (Complex) Extract the Real and Imaginary components from a complex number | |
Complex Conjugate (z*) Create the conjugate of a Complex number | |
Complex Argument (Arg) Get the argument of a Complex number | |
Complex Modulus (CMod) Get the modulus of a Complex number | |
Interpolate data (Interp) Interpolate a collection of data. |
Sine (Sin) Compute the sine of a value | |
Sinc Compute the sinc (Sinus Cardinalis) of a value. | |
Cosine (Cos) Compute the cosine of a value | |
Tangent (Tan) Compute the tangent of a value | |
ArcSine (ASin) Compute the angle whose sine is the specified value. | |
ArcCosine (ACos) Compute the angle whose cosine is the specified value. | |
ArcTangent (ATan) Compute the angle whose tangent is the specified value. | |
Secant (Sec) Compute the secant (reciprocal of the Cosine) of an angle. | |
CoSecant (Csc) Compute the co-secant (reciprocal of the Sine) of an angle. | |
CoTangent (Cot) Compute the co-tangent (reciprocal of the Tangent) of an angle. | |
Degrees (Deg) Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees | |
Radians (Rad) Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians | |
Right Trigonometry (RTrig) Right triangle trigonometry | |
Triangle Trigonometry (Trig) Generic triangle trigonometry | |
Circumcentre (CCentre) Generate the triangle circumcentre from perpendicular bisectors. | |
Incentre (ICentre) Generate the triangle incentre from angle bisectors. | |
Orthocentre (OCentre) Generate the triangle orthocentre from altitudes. | |
Centroid Generate the triangle centroid from medians. |
Construct Domain (Dom) Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. | |
Deconstruct Domain (DeDomain) Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. | |
Consecutive Domains (Consec) Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers | |
Bounds (Bnd) Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. | |
Bounds 2D (Bnd) Create a numeric two-dimensional domain which encompasses a list of coordinates. | |
Includes (Inc) Test a numeric value to see if it is included in the domain | |
Remap Numbers (ReMap) Remap numbers into a new numeric domain | |
Construct Domain² (Dom²) Create a two-dimensional domain from two simple domains. | |
Deconstruct Domain² (DeDom2) Deconstruct a two-dimensional domain into its component parts | |
Divide Domain (Div) Divide a domain into equal segments. | |
Divide Domain² (Divide) Divides a two-dimensional domain into equal segments. | |
Find Domain (FDom) Find the first domain that contains a specific value |
Square (Sqr) Compute the square of a value | |
Square Root (Sqrt) Compute the square root of a value | |
Cube Compute the cube of a value | |
Cube Root (Cbrt) Compute the cube root of a value | |
Logarithm (Log) Compute the Base-10 logarithm of a value. | |
Natural logarithm (Ln) Compute the natural logarithm of a value. | |
Power of E (Eº) Raise E to the power of N. | |
Power of 2 (2º) Raise 2 to the power of N. | |
Power of 10 (10º) Raise 10 to the power of N. | |
One Over X (1/x) Compute one over x. | |
Log N (LogN) Return the N-base logarithm of a number. |
Construct Date (Date) Construct a date and time instance. | |
Construct Exotic Date (DateEx) Construct a date using a specific calendar | |
Construct Time (Time) Construct a time instance | |
Construct Smooth Time (SmTime) Construct a time instance from smooth components | |
Deconstruct Date (DDate) Deconstruct a date into years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds | |
Combine Date & Time (CDate) Combine a pure date and a pure time into a single date | |
Interpolate Date (IntDate) Interpolate between two dates or times. | |
Date Range (RDate) Create a range of successive dates or times |
Construct Matrix (Matrix) Construct a matrix from initial values | |
Deconstruct Matrix (DeMatrix) Deconstruct a matrix into its component parts | |
Invert Matrix (MInvert) Invert a matrix | |
Transpose Matrix (Transpose) Transpose a matrix (swap rows and columns) | |
Swap Rows (SwapR) Swap two rows in a matrix | |
Swap Columns (SwapC) Swap two columns in a matrix | |
Display Matrix (Matrix) Display a matrix |
Evaluate (Eval) Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. | |
Expression Evaluate an expression |
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