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ADDON. Version 2.0.0. Released on 05-May-2022. Provides 28 components. Created by Madalin Gheorghe. Features 0 video tutorials.
The plugin consists of a multithreaded simulation core and a set of tools for defining particle behaviors as well as their environment. Nuclei features unique voxel implementations for a powerful approach where particles adapt their behavior based on the highly customizable environment. The Physarum Polycephalum algorithm mechanics are based on Jeff Jones' paper titled Characteristics of Pattern Formation and Evolution in Approximations of Physarum Transport Networks.


Voxel Selection Intersection
Perform Intersection on Voxel Selection (AND)
Voxel Selection Difference
Perform Difference on Voxel Selection (AND NOT): V1 - V2
Voxel Selection Union
Perform Union on Two or More Voxel Values (OR)
Curve Attractor for Voxels (Curve Attractor)
Use Curves as Attractors for Voxel Centers
Mesh Attractor for Voxel (Mesh Attractor)
Use Meshes as Attractors for Voxel Centers
Extract Voxel Bounding Box (Voxel Box)
Extract Voxel Design Space Bounding Box
Voxel Inclusion in Mesh (Mesh Inclusion)
Test if a Voxel Center is Inside a Mesh
Extract Voxel Values (Voxel Values)
Extract Voxel Values
Extract Voxel Positions (Voxel Centers)
Extract Voxel Positions
Extract Voxel Vector (Voxel Vectors)
Extract Voxel Vectorfield
Point Attractor for Voxels (Point Attractor)
Use Points as Attractors for Voxel Centers
Voxel Settings
Sets Up How The Environment Data Is Interpreted
Define Voxel Values (Voxel Values)
Define Voxel Differentiated Values
Construct Voxels
Construct Empty Voxel Field Environment
Voxel Values Blend (Blend Values)
Blend All Values
Define Voxel Vectors (Voxel Vectors)
Define Voxel Vector Field
Voxel Vectors Blend (Blend Vectorfield)
Blend All Vectors By Averaging Their Neighbours


Particle Settings
Sets Up Particle Settings
Particle Death Settings (Death Settings)
Sets Up Dynamic Population Death Settings. Dies if Neighbour Count is OUTSIDE Range
Particle Division Settings (Division Settings)
Sets Up Dynamic Population Division Settings. Divides if Neighbour Count is INSIDE Range
Extract Particle Positions (Particle Positions)
Extract Particle Positions
Extract Particle Trails (Trail Points)
Extract Particle Trail Points
Extract Particle Vectors (Particle Vectors)
Extract Particle Directions
Particle Population Settings (Population Settings)
Sets Up Population Settings
Particle Trail Settings (Trail Settings)
Sets Up Dynamic Trail Settings
Construct Particles (Particles)
Define Particle Properties


Preview Voxel Density
Faster Preview For Voxel Density


Nuclei2 Solver (Solver)
Where the magic happens

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