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ADDON. Version 2021.11.1. Released on 10-Nov-2021. Provides 36 components. Created by Christian Kongsgaard, Mark Pitman. Features 0 video tutorials.
Grasshopper plugin for interacting with Procedural's APIs such as Compute.


Create a mesh from a surface, which can be used for analyses
Create a legend.
Create an analysis mesh by slicing a domain box
Get Names
Get the Compute Name of Meshes
Load Mesh
Load a mesh into Grasshopper from a local file
Recolor Mesh
Recoloring mesh with parallel threading
Save Mesh
Save a mesh to a local file.
Set Names
Set the Compute Name of Objects


CFD setSet (setSet)
Facade Pressure
Calculate pressure coefficients to use in fx. EnergyPlus airflow networks
Wind Thresholds
Compute the Lawson criteria for a CFD case.
CFD Boundary Condition (CFD BC)
Defines a CFD Boundary Condition
Probe Points
Probe the CFD case to get the results in the desired points
Load Probe Results
Loads the probe results from a file
Wind Threshold Results
Loads wind threshold results from a file(s).
CFD Solution
Create the Solution Parameters for a CFD Case


Daylight Metrics
Create a task to compute Daylight Metrics, such as cDA, sDA, DA or UDI
Radiance Material (Material)
Define and apply a Radiance material to the construction
Probe Radiation
Probe radiation case to get the results in the desired points
Radiation Probe Results (Radiation Results)
Loads the probe results from a file
Radiation Solution
Create the Solution Parameters for a Radiation Case
Outdoor Comfort Results (Comfort Results)
Loads the outdoor comfort results from a file(s).
Outdoor Comfort
Compute outdoor comfort, such as UTCI.


CFD Domain (Domain)
Create a CFD Domain
CFD Mesh Level (Mesh Level)
Defines a CFD Mesh Level for the resolution on the surface of the meshes.
Radial Refinement Region (Radial Refinement)
Defines a radial CFD Refinement Region that grows.
Refinement Region
Defines a CFD Refinement Region
Compute Mesh (Mesh)
Create the Mesh Parameters for a CFD Case


Download EPW
Download an EPW file from EnergyPlus' website. This component will open your web browser directly to EnergyPlus' website so you can download an EPW file.
File List
Get a list of the files from a certain task on Compute.
List Project Tasks (List Tasks)
List the tasks under a specific project on Procedural Compute
Upload File
Upload a file to Compute


Upload and compute the CFD Case
Download files or folders from Compute
Compute Login (Login)
Login to Procedural Compute
Get or Create Project and Task (Project and Task)
Get or Create a project and/or a parent Task on Procedural Compute

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   ProceduralCS and associated data © 2024 Christian Kongsgaard, Mark Pitman.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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