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Radiance Material

Define and apply a Radiance material to the construction


NamesNamesThe names of the meshes to apply this material to. If the name ends with a * it applies to all the geometry that have a name that starts with the name given here.Text
PresetPresetMaterial preset. All presets can be changed by applying overrides. If you pick window as preset, you can only apply the bsdf override. If you want to see the preset values, visit https://compute.procedural.build/docs/daylight/materialsInteger
OverridesOverridesOptional overrides to apply to the presets. If you have chosen window, you should add a override with: { "bsdf_path": "BSDF FILE" }. If you want to add a window with variable shading given by a schedule then the following override should be applied: { "bsdf_path": [ "BSDF FILE 1", "BSDF FILE 2", ] "schedules": [ [true, false, false, ...], [false, true, true, ...], ] }. The BSDF file can either be given as a path to a local file or "clear.xml", which is a default BSDF file Compute provides. If you want to override a material, which is not a window preset, the following overrides can be given: { "type": "plastic", "reals": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0], }Text


MaterialMaterialRadiance MaterialText

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