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CFD Solution

Create the Solution Parameters for a CFD Case


InputInputInput from previous Compute ComponentText
CPUsCPUsNumber of CPUs to run the simulation across. Valid choices are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48, 64, 72, 96Integer
SolverSolverSelect which OpenFOAM solver to use.Integer
Case TypeCase TypeAvailable Options: SimpleCase, VirtualWindTunnel, MeshOnly SimplyCase runs a standard CFD case with the geometry specified. This is often used for a single wind angle or in case of indoor studies. VirtualWindTunnel rotates and runs the CFD the number of time you specifies it in the "Number of Angles" input. This is used for outdoor comfort studies. MeshOnly only runs the meshing part. You can run this first. Check the mesh and then pick either SimpleCase or VirtualWindTunnel depending on your needs.Integer
Boundary ConditionsBoundary ConditionsThis should be a list of boundary conditions generated with the Compute Boundary Conditions components.Text
IterationsIterationsNumber of iterations to run. Iterations can be a list of up to two elements. The first element is the "init" iterations and the second element is the "run" iterations.Most users should only input a single number for the "init" iterations.Integer
Number of AnglesNumber of AnglesNumber of Angles. Only used for Virtual Wind Tunnel. Default is 16 If a single number is given then the component will interpret it as the number of angles that should be ran. If a list of numbers is given then that is the angles that will be run.Number
OverridesOverridesTakes overrides in JSON format: { "setup": [...], "fields": [...], "presets": [...], "caseFiles": [...], "single_angle": bool, "keep_mesh": bool, "mesh_independence": {...}, "webhook": "url" }Text



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