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Probe Points

Probe the CFD case to get the results in the desired points


InputInputInput from previous Compute ComponentText
PointsPointsPoints to create the sample sets from.Point
NamesNamesGive names to each branch of in the points tree. The names can later be used to identify the points.Text
FieldsFieldsChoose which fields to probe. Default is UText
MeshMeshInput your analysis mesh here, if you wish to visualize your results in the browserMesh
CPUsCPUsCPUs to use. Valid choices are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48, 64, 72, 96. In most cases it is not advised to use more CPUs than 1, as the time it takes to decompose and reconstruct the case will exceed the speed-up gained by multiprocessing the probing.Integer
DependentOnDependentOnBy default the probe task is dependent on a wind tunnel task or a task running simpleFoam. If you want it to be dependent on another task. Please supply the name of that task here.Text
Case DirectoryCase DirFolder to probe on the Compute server. Default is VWTText
OverridesOverridesTakes overrides in JSON format: { "FIELD": "VALUE", ... } Fields you can overwrite: libs executeControl writeControl interpolationScheme setFormatText
CreateCreateWhether to create a new probe task, if one doesn't exist. If the Probe task already exists, then this component will create a new task config, that will run after the previous config is finished.Boolean



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