Center Print on Print Bed (Cntr Prnt) Moves the input geometry to the center of the print bed as determined by the input printer dimesions | |
Config Setting (Setting) If an individual specific setting is input in S, it will be returned | |
Curve Infill (Infill) Take the given curve and creates an infill (based on the extrusion width and infill ratio) of the curve as a polyline | |
Curve to G Code (Crv to GC) Converts a cureve into g code to 3D print with a standard filament based printer | |
Curve with Infill (Crv+Infl) Outputs polyines for W walls and infill at I density | |
Curves with Infill Compound (Crv+Infl Cmpnd) offsets curves by 1/2 the extrusion witdth | |
Offset In (Offset In) Offsets curves inward | |
Offset Out (Offset Out) Offset curves outward | |
Offset Complex (Offset Cmplx) Offset curves, with automatic detection of internal vs | |
Offset Compound (Offset Cmpnd) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Print Log saves info about the print into a Google Sheet | |
Slice Walls with Infill Compound (Walls+Infl Cmpnd) Slices geometry and offsets perimeters by 1/2 the extrusion witdth | |
Slice Walls with Infill (Walls+Infl) Slices input geometry and outputs polyines for W walls and infill at I density | |
Slice Slice geometry based on layer height ( directly or from a Xylinus Config) |
Black Out () creates a black out surface | |
Config - DLP (Config DLP) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing with an a DLP projector to do SLA | |
Config - DLP BUGSS (Config DLP BUGSS) Config DLP BUGSS | |
DLP Slice Slice geometry based upon a Xylinus DLP Config | |
G Code Start - DLP (Start GC DLP) G code to begin the 3D print | |
G Code End - DLP (End GC DLP) G code to end a 3D print | |
GC Send Sends G Code to the printer | |
Print DLP (DLP Print) Generate the G Code and synch it with the projected slices | |
Projector Window (Proj Window) Opens a floating viewport, maximizes it to the projector display, and zooms to the supplied calibration geometry | |
Z Move G Code (Move Z GC) Generate the G Code to move the Z platform of the printer |
Config - Filament (Config Filament) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer | |
Config - Filament jimmi PLA (jimmi_F PLA) Double-click to edit this blank starter config | |
Extrusion Rate Calculator (Extr Rate) calculate basic extrusion rate as factored by the cross section area of the filament and that of the print extrusion | |
G Code Start - Filament (Start GC _F) G code to begin the 3D print | |
G Code End - Filament (End GC _F) G code to end a 3D print | |
G Code Merge - Filament (Merge GC _F) Merge gcode with start and end gcode | |
Print Curve - Filament (Print Crv _F) Converts a curve into g code to 3D print with a standard filament based printer | |
Print Curve with Blob and Drool - Filament (Print B&D _F) extrudes a given amount of filament (Blob) at each point and a modified amount of filament (Drool) in between points | |
Print Curve with Infill - Filament (Print Crv+Infl _F) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density | |
Print 3D - Filament (Print 3D _F) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density |
Config - Syringe M Codes (M Codes Syringe) This configures the M Codes for pneumatically controlling a syringe | |
Config - Syringe (Config Syringe) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer | |
Config BUGSS_S M Codes (BUGSS_S M) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Config BUGSS_S (BUGSS_S) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer | |
G Code Start - Syringe (Start GC _S) G code to begin the 3D print | |
G Code nd - Syringe (End GC _S) G code to end a 3D print | |
Print Curve - Syringe (Print Crv _S) Converts a curve into g code to 3D print with a syringe based printer | |
Print Curve with Infill - Syringe (Print Crv+Infl _S) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density | |
Print 3D - Syringe (Print 3D _S) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Xylinus and associated data © 2024 Ryan Hoover.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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