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ADDON. Version 0.2. Released on Unknown. Provides 43 components. Created by Ryan Hoover. Features 0 video tutorials.
It allows for novel control of 3D printers, generating G code directly from native Rhino and Grasshopper geometries including solids, surfaces, and curves. It has tools for printers based on FDM filament extrusion, pneumatically-controlled syringes, ink-jet, and DLP Stereolithography.


Center Print on Print Bed (Cntr Prnt)
Moves the input geometry to the center of the print bed as determined by the input printer dimesions
Config Setting (Setting)
If an individual specific setting is input in S, it will be returned
Curve Infill (Infill)
Take the given curve and creates an infill (based on the extrusion width and infill ratio) of the curve as a polyline
Curve to G Code (Crv to GC)
Converts a cureve into g code to 3D print with a standard filament based printer
Curve with Infill (Crv+Infl)
Outputs polyines for W walls and infill at I density
Curves with Infill Compound (Crv+Infl Cmpnd)
offsets curves by 1/2 the extrusion witdth
Offset In (Offset In)
Offsets curves inward
Offset Out (Offset Out)
Offset curves outward
Offset Complex (Offset Cmplx)
Offset curves, with automatic detection of internal vs
Offset Compound (Offset Cmpnd)
Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components
Print Log
saves info about the print into a Google Sheet
Slice Walls with Infill Compound (Walls+Infl Cmpnd)
Slices geometry and offsets perimeters by 1/2 the extrusion witdth
Slice Walls with Infill (Walls+Infl)
Slices input geometry and outputs polyines for W walls and infill at I density
Slice geometry based on layer height ( directly or from a Xylinus Config)


Black Out ()
creates a black out surface
Config - DLP (Config DLP)
This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing with an a DLP projector to do SLA
Config - DLP BUGSS (Config DLP BUGSS)
DLP Slice
Slice geometry based upon a Xylinus DLP Config
G Code Start - DLP (Start GC DLP)
G code to begin the 3D print
G Code End - DLP (End GC DLP)
G code to end a 3D print
GC Send
Sends G Code to the printer
Print DLP (DLP Print)
Generate the G Code and synch it with the projected slices
Projector Window (Proj Window)
Opens a floating viewport, maximizes it to the projector display, and zooms to the supplied calibration geometry
Z Move G Code (Move Z GC)
Generate the G Code to move the Z platform of the printer


Config - Filament (Config Filament)
This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer
Config - Filament jimmi PLA (jimmi_F PLA)
Double-click to edit this blank starter config
Extrusion Rate Calculator (Extr Rate)
calculate basic extrusion rate as factored by the cross section area of the filament and that of the print extrusion
G Code Start - Filament (Start GC _F)
G code to begin the 3D print
G Code End - Filament (End GC _F)
G code to end a 3D print
G Code Merge - Filament (Merge GC _F)
Merge gcode with start and end gcode
Print Curve - Filament (Print Crv _F)
Converts a curve into g code to 3D print with a standard filament based printer
Print Curve with Blob and Drool - Filament (Print B&D _F)
extrudes a given amount of filament (Blob) at each point and a modified amount of filament (Drool) in between points
Print Curve with Infill - Filament (Print Crv+Infl _F)
Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density
Print 3D - Filament (Print 3D _F)
Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density


Config - Syringe M Codes (M Codes Syringe)
This configures the M Codes for pneumatically controlling a syringe
Config - Syringe (Config Syringe)
This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer
Config BUGSS_S M Codes (BUGSS_S M)
Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components
This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer
G Code Start - Syringe (Start GC _S)
G code to begin the 3D print
G Code nd - Syringe (End GC _S)
G code to end a 3D print
Print Curve - Syringe (Print Crv _S)
Converts a curve into g code to 3D print with a syringe based printer
Print Curve with Infill - Syringe (Print Crv+Infl _S)
Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density
Print 3D - Syringe (Print 3D _S)
Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Xylinus and associated data © 2024 Ryan Hoover.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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